Thursday, August 27, 2009

Coupon Fairies

Are you a "coupon fairy"? I just love those people! Sometimes I try to be one myself, but I'm always slightly embarrassed at the thought of a manager of a grocery store catching me!

Let me explain what a coupon fairy is: Someone who leaves coupons that they can't use right on top of the product in the store for someone else to use when they come along. The other day I was out of laundry detergent and just didn't have time to sift through my (unorganized) coupons. Luckily, some wonderful coupon fairy had left a $2.00 off coupon right there on the shelf for the exact detergent I needed! I was in Heaven and had no problems swiping up the coupon and using it on my own bill.

So, are you a coupon fairy? Have you taken up the generosity of some anonymous coupon fairy?