Friday, August 28, 2009

Enjoy Life

Enjoy Life.........that says it all doesn't it! I created this card for one of the DTGD challenges a few weeks ago (I still have a couple more to share from DTGD). I covered 3 different challenges with this card. They were: Black/White with a touch of Red, Paper Tole and the last was to use some sort of texture.

I stamped the floral, butterfly and words (all Hampton Arts) on the base panel and then stamped it a second time on scrap and cut it out. Let me tell you, there were lots of little nooks and crannies to cut around! I did the same for the butterfly. After I layered the cut floral and butterfly to the base panel, I added some black satin ribbon as a final touch.

It's late and I am yawning, so I better hit the hay!