Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thought for Today

Just Having Fun
Work without happiness is like a burden that you have to endure, but when you are internally happy it becomes a game, and you're just having fun. from:

My twist and musing on this thought for today....
I think we've all had the "why bother" days, "I don't know why I even go to work, no one cares", "I gotta pay the bills somehow", etc.... The drudgery of facing another day. Just putting one foot in front of the other and going through the motions. I do think, sometimes, this is inevitable. We all get down and get the "why bothers". I'm very thankful, for me, these days are few. 

I know it may sound "Pollyanna" (I'm not sure what that means but I think she was eternally happy and optimistic about everything); but I really DO enjoy my work. Most days I thoroughly enjoy my job. It is in the helping (health) field and I love doing my part. Not all that long ago, I all but defined myself as/by my job. When people asked how I was doing, I always talked about work. This was my lack of me, of my true self, a lack of self worth, etc..I truly thought that what I did , was who  I was. If I did my job well, lived well, etc...then I was a good person.. (Ok that's being pretty simple, but basically, my thought was, it was outside stuff that "defined" me.)  I wasn't happy inside so my work wasn't joyful yet it is how I chose to describe myself anyway.


So now when you hear me say I love my job, also notice I don't  say I am my job. What I truly am, is  a joyful person, with a compassionate spirit and healing soul. I have embarked on new growth of self acceptance, self worth, and a Grateful heart and that is where the internal Happy starts. The Light that shines deep in my soul, at my core, gives me Peace, Love, Courage, Hope and Joy. When I allow my cup to be filled, I then have so much it bubbles over into all aspects of my daily life. And other aspects become joyful as well.

 I have people come up to me and say how do you do it, you're always smiling. Well I do believe that when your Heart is Filled with Light and Love, all is going to be OK. I face hardships, loss, hurt, pain, yet deep down, I know it will all be all right. That is not naivety, it is Faith, it is Hope, Grace, Compassion and Love. It starts with the inside job and flows from there. When I go to work, as soon as I step through the hospital doors, my worries leave and Compassion, Hope, Gratitude, Love  and Smiles fill my heart. It's almost as if I "have" to make eye contact, smile, say hello, touch someone's shoulder, hold a hand, give a hug, walk someone to where they are going, take time to listen to problems, concerns, smile,  and yes at times, even cry with people. It is part of my nature, myself, my Life, my Love, My compassion for Life, Others and myself. It is though giving, that I too receive; more than what anyone can ever know. My heart fills anew as I give of myself.

I like the thought for today but I would change one thing. I don't necessarily consider work a game; well maybe dealing with the politics and ego's are a game of sorts.  I do consider work to be a place of Joy, Fun and Laughter, as well as Love, Peace, Compassion and Hope. So pay attention to your inside Light and Happiness and Joy at work and for life itself,  will follow....

May Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Hope, Compassion and Laughter fill your heart, and soul and may your life be Lifted beyond all human expectation. May pain and sorrows give way to Good Memories and Hope; May Angels guide and protect you; May your spirit fill to over flowing and your Light Shine;  Love and Light, Nina P.