Sunday, September 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

For more great menu ideas, check out!

Monday: Chicken-Vegetable-Rice soup
Tuesday: Baked Spaghetti, green beans
Wednesday: Chicken or Fish with Honey Roasted Red Potatoes
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Homemade pizza-sausage, olives, cheese
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Chicken parmesan with pasta and broccoli

Breakfasts: yogurt, cheesey eggs, fruit, cereal
Lunches: leftovers, food from the freezer (leftovers from various other meals!)
Snacks: Raspberry-Blueberry Muffins, cheese and crackers, honeycrisp apples (these are the absolute best apples money can buy....if they are near you, GET THEM!!!!)
Desserts: Pumpkin Pie, apple crisp