Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another Fabulous Weekend full of Fun and Busy!

Adam was home Friday mowing the lawn when we got home. We drove by to a near by garage sale and saw Chip following him and the lawn mower all around the yard. It made me giggle, because later Adam told me that he literally followed him the whole time. There was nothing at the garage sale worth my money and the lady running the sale followed me around the whole time, so that turned me off quite a bit, so we went back home and got there just as Adam was finishing up the yard. We played with Chip while he showered quick and then we surprised the girls with a dinner at McDonalds. Alexa has really been a good girl and good listener the last week and a half, so we thought we'd reward her for her good behavior. Plus, it's super cute how Lillian says 'McDonald's'.

From there we went to Wal-Mart and shopped for Birthday gifts for Cecilia and Cody. We got Cecilia a cool flat screen light bright and a my little pony and some markers and Cody a big semi truck full of little matchbox cars. We also picked up a few things for the house, a big storage container for all the swimming toys and outdoor stuff to store under the deck for the winter and some festive (orange, brown, yellow and green) fall placemats for the kitchen table. We got Chip one, too, to match!

When we got home (7:45'ish) it was already dark. But, Chip had been in his kennel all day and then while we were out eating and shopping, so we all went for a walk in the dark to let him get some energy out. Lillian was in the stroller and held tight to his leash, while Alexa rode her bike. What a beautiful night.

We had picked up a couple movies at McDonald's from the Red Box, so after Lil went to bed, we let Alexa stay up and watch one of them with us. We made popcorn and snuggled on the couch. I held Alexa and Adam held Chip.

Adam was up early with Chip Saturday morning. They played outside a bit and then came inside. The girls and I got up and took over, so Adam could sleep for a bit longer. I have the girls baths and got them dressed and ready for the busy day of Birthday partying.

Adam cleaned up the garage when he woke up (the remains of the garage sale), the girls and I made blueberry muffins, wrapped presents and played outside.

We left for Cecilia's party at noon. Lillian ended up falling asleep on the way there and we let her sleep because she had woke up with a bit of a runny nose. I wanted to nip the start of her cold in the bud, asap. She actually stayed sleeping in Adam's arms for about an hour after we got there. We sat and played in their living room with all of Ce-Ce's toys. Steve and his family came and then we ate. They had lots of good food, especially egg rolls. We picnicked out in the garage. They had a piƱata and we ate Birthday cake. The kids had fun playing and we had fun meeting Taun and Tram's family and visiting. We ended up staying there a bit longer than we had planned, but made it to Cody's party for the tail end. The guys were playing bean bags in the back yard and then ended up coming to our house to play horseshoes. The kids played on the swing set and sandbox. They had a great time and wore themselves out.

When things settled down we packed up the kids again and went to Sam's for some groceries. We always hit Sam's at just the right time, to take advantage of all the 'samples'. The girls love it and it keeps them sitting in the cart and quiet.

With us being so busy lately, our house has become the tornado that I promised myself it would never be. You know when you move in and get things unpacked and things are right where you want them to be and perfect in their own spot - you swear to yourself that you'll keep it that way and never let it get to be a mess. Yeah, well, I did the same thing and it happened. You could not see the floor in the basement. The girls had their barbies, babies, animals and colors all over the place. We just got so busy that we just ended up letting things go. So, Sunday was devoted to 'cleaning'. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, but I accomplished a lot, with a couple screaming kids wanting to play outside and a husband zoned in on the football game.

I was able to get the kids out to play in the afternoon for quite a bit. They did sidewalk chalk all over our driveway. I don't think there is a spot they didn't touch. They rode bikes and scooters, hung out with the neighbor kids and played with Chip. I sat on the front step and watched. While sitting there I smelled something fabulous, little did I know it was my husband cooking us a wonderful Mexican dinner. Yum! Tacos and rice!!

Alexa's friend Paige stopped over to play for a little bit Sunday evening. She also learned how to ride bike without training wheels this summer. So, they rode up and down the road with each other, while I had a nice visit with her mom, Jackie.
Lillian still had a stuffy/runny nose and I heard a few sneezes out of Alexa, too. They were put to bed early after a soak in the tub.

Last night (Monday) was the 1st of the 3 night premiere of Dancing with the Stars. Yes, I'm still quite in to that show. I was looking forward to watching it all day. Unfortunate, it's just on way to early (7pm) and I never have things situated or ready by that time. The kids still wanted to be outside, we needed to eat dinner, the dog, ect...So, it wasn't as relaxing and enjoyable as I had hoped it would be, but, I'm still going to try to watch again tonight. Perhaps I can turn it on out in the garage?