Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Indian Mud Pots

These are some Indian Mud Pots and Stuff that are used by the people for different purposes.
The Devil Mask
This Mask is placed on the House facing the entrance so that no evil power can enter the home.Indian's Feel that this mask prevents negative energy to enter their home and protects them.
Big Water Pot.
This is used for storing the water to drink.This pot settles all the impurity of the water at the bottom and keeps the water cool.
Small Pot
Oval Shaped Pot
Designer Pot

Flower Vask
Flower Pot
Baking Unit
This is used to bake the Indian Flat Bread i.e. "Chapati" made of wheat Flour Dough.

These small cups are used for burning the cotton wet with Coco Milk.
Body Scrubbers
These pots are used for Tea and milk.
Mud Piggy Banks
These are Mud Piggy Banks used to collect coins and notes.
Small Containers
These are used for keeping dry stuff like tea,sugar,cardamom etc.
Pot Shop
Colorful Pots.
These Pots are used in Weddings and are placed at homes after wedding also.