Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Life: Trust Above; there's so much more

Life: Trust Above; there's so much more

 We start out protected, curled up if you will, inside a nurturing dark place; then the miracle of birth happens and we are thrust into a bright world of unknown. As a newborn we roll and cry unable to do much else and rely totally on the knowledge and compassion of others. We are not satisfied to stay still for long, so we  learn to roll over, look around and take in our surroundings. Looks like fun with all the shapes and colors coming into focus. Hey, let's go explore! Hmm... can't ...quite see that from here..How... can,...umm...get closer.... We wiggle and move and eventually crawl  to see all that's around us. Such excitement at our finger tips! Amazing colors and textures to explore. Everything is new as we start traveling around. So much to do, so much to learn!  ... so much trouble we can get into!... We're guided and encouraged, to go even farther, reach even higher, and do even more. Constantly we are watched from Above and kept safe.

Before long, we want more. We gain confidence and  get the courage to reach  out and embrace the unknown:  we touch,  grab and hold on to anything we can reach.  Wow isn't this grand? Exploring our world, our surroundings, yet, before long, it's not enough. We need more, we're evolving into something greater than ourselves. If we just hold on here, push off there... we start  pulling ourselves up trying to stand.  We focus hard,  try and try, legs not holding but our resilience is amazing so we try again, and again and again. Always with the encouragement from  Above.  On  wobbly feet  and a death grip hold, we realize our accomplishment and smile! We're standing so tall, smiles and giggles all around.  In our excitement we lose track of what we are doing, lose our focus, our grip, and fall. Startled that we're back down here, we sit there awhile assessing our wounds, checking our surroundings, contemplating if it's worth another try. After some "down" time,  finally we gain the confidence to  reach up and try again. We've  gained  knowledge  from what happened in our past so  this time we stay focused and hold on tight. Hesitantly,  slowly,  we stand again.  We did it!! We made it!! We're standing again!! We look around and are happy right where we  are. Sounds of Joy from Above fill our ears as we steady ourselves and gain strength and courage.

It's fun here, people cooing and calling, another perspective on life. But we must continue our journey as we have much to explore. We must move on, move up, and take that first hesitant step.  At first we are fearful as we remember our falls. But we call up our courage and resolve to  steady ourselves if we listen, we can hear that ever present encouraging voice from Above Guiding us forward. Slowly,  we slide our foot forward... balance..... slowly.... focus...slowly.... breathe.... we take one  step... breathe... good....then another...balance...  yes!... always holding on reaching out, reaching Up to a Higher force, a Higher being.

Before long, we learn we can do things on our own, so we let go and start trusting  ourselves. Stepping one foot in front of the other, out of our comfort zone, yet finding the challenge exhilarating and enlightening, so we keep going... Walking, watching, taking in all that we can, reaching for the next object. Yes we fall, sit, contemplate, only to reach Up again and grab that hand, hold on tight and try again.... We know that Higher being is there Above, encouraging us, guiding us, leading us... Feeling Love and support,  we continue to get up and try again. Our world has expanded tenfold.  Our excitement can't be contained as we evolve from walking, to running, to skipping and jumping. Life is full of amazements, knowledge, lessons.  We are  independent ,yet  Above,  watches and guides us; leaving us to play, learn lessons, fall, explore, see, feel, touch taste, experience life in all its grandeur, setbacks, and accomplishments.

We walk, we run, we dance, we know so much....still, I feel from Above, there is so much more. We are being encouraged to go a little farther, reach a little higher... to the next level. It's time again to go within and hear that Voice of Encouragement, of Change, of Knowledge... Listen to the Guidance, Compassion and Love, and reach Up,  hold on tight, and take that first step into another dimension, another level, another perspective on life.... Above has never let us down.  We must find our inner courage, the Faith to conquer our fears , explore the wonders we just now can see, and step another step on our journey. The path may not be easy, but the Light is Great. Come join me, lets walk together for a while, learn and explore...

written 9-22-1009
with Love and Light,
by Nina P.