Monday, June 14, 2010

What a Weekend!

Early last week I received a text message from my neighbor asking me for a really HUGE favor.
Thinking she was going to ask me to watch her kids or something (which isn't that huge of a favor), I said, Sure, what do ya need?

Her next message was asking me if I could fill in and play softball Friday night on her team. They were short on girl players and really needed me.

I text back, "are you kidding me, Jamie?"

After she went on to tell me she was totally serious and I checked the weather forecast and they were PROMISING rain Friday night, I agreed.

It rained for the next few days. I was good to go. They would for sure cancel.
Friday morning came and I woke up to pouring rain. I text her and said "You guys don't play in this stuff, do ya?" And all she said was, "Sometimes". And about as fast as she could text "Sometimes", the rain stopped and the sun came out. Clear skies for miles.

The games were at 8 and 9 and I put on my brave face, grabbed the glove they had to loan me and ran out to right field.

I've never played slow pitch softball before. I've never played softball with guys. I've really never played many other positions besides pitcher and that was fast pitch.

Well, it turned out not so bad. Nobody ever hit the ball to right field in the 2 games we played. So, I didn't have to worry about fielding. I was not used to batting slow pitch with the big arch, so I left the first pitch go by just to get used to the feeling..and the ump called it a strike. They only have 2 strikes in this league, so I knew I had to swing at the next pitch. I swung and popped it up and the catcher caught the ball. URGH! OUT!

The next time I was up to bat I swung at the first pitch (which wasn't a very good pitch) and I hit it off the lower part of the bat. The third baseman overthrew to first and I stole second. I was pretty happy. I ended up being the first to score that game. Whoo hoo!

Adam and the girls were there watching and cheering me on. It was fun!
Afterwards, we went home, put the girls to bed and sat outside with the neighbors until wee hours of the night.

Saturday morning we got up and went garage saling. I found some great deals on clothes for the girls. It was awesome. I love hitting the sales with all clothing 25 cents each.

We took Alexa to her dance rehearsal in Eden Prairie Saturday evening. All went well. They were photographed and rehearsed their dances twice.

Then we went to my cousin Katie's graduation party in Eagan. It was great to see all the Grout's again. It was raining, so it wasn't the most glamorous day for her party, but we all had a great time.

After the party we took Alexa shopping at Kohl's for some dresses. I had $20.00 in gift cards and let her try on all the dresses she wanted. She was able to pick 3. She was in heaven. I heard a few giggles in the dressing room as I was in there with Alexa. She would say things like,

"I really like the color of this one, but these ruffles on the top right here, I don't really like, so this is a no for me"

"This style is really cute Mom, this one is definitely a yes"

"I like the style of this part, but I don't like this little bow thing here..put that in the maybe pile"

"Mom, I think this one looks really good on me....definitely a YES (as she jumps up and down)"

"I really love this one, but I think it's a little too big in the shoulders. Let's go get a different size in this one"

My little fashionista!!

We were outside most of Sunday enjoying the break from the rain. It was still quite chilly and cloudy, tho. Ben and his 'friend' Kelly came to visit and grill fajita's. It was very nice meeting Kelly and we wish her luck on her adventure figure skating for 6 months on a cruise ship. Wow! What an experience.

Adam and I snuggled in last night to watch the movie "It's Complicated". Lillian kept interrupting us with whines from her bed. Eventually we just brought her out to watch with us. She wanted her jammies off. The kid LOVES to be naked. She snuggled with her Papa on the floor for the rest of the movie and then had a midnight snack of cheese, bean dip and a cupcake before snuggling with us in our bed. Adam didn't want Alexa to be left out, so he went and got her out of her bed, too.
It was the perfect ending to a great all snuggled up together.
I love my family!! TEAM LARES!