Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I've been thinking for a while that I really need to blog and share with you one of my favorite Vintage Fashion blogs! One that motivates me to thrift, blog and etsy as much as I can! I had an opportunity to sponsor The MouseVox Vintage Blog, so now seemed like a perfect time to tell you about Rachel, and that you must go visit her Blog and Etsy store!

This was one of the very first vintage blogs I started checking on a regular basis. Since I am now an Official sponsor of the MouseVox Vintage Blog, Stop on over and see if you can find the ad for the S.S.Vintage, that Rachel so kindly even helped me make! (She's not just super cool, she's also incredibly nice!)

I'm trying so hard to turn my own vintage shop into a successful business, and looking at other vintage sellers that are doing a great job, like MouseVox, is very motivating and inspirational! Which is something we could all use from time to time. Well, I know I can for sure, which is why I am so happy to find great Blogs on Vintage and Fashion to follow and learn from.

For lots of great Fashion and Style, Designers and Blogs to note, Music, Thrifting, Giveaways, and More! Go Visit MOUSEVOX VINTAGE!
And on Etsy.