Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's gunna be a bright...bright..sun shiny day...

A friend of mine posted on Facebook yesterday, "What is that big shiny thing in the sky?"

It was the sun making it's first appearance in a week. What a difference a little sunshine can make on your overall mood for the day. Wow! It was like a sudden jolt of energy.

Work has been real slow, so I was able to leave about a half hour early to pick up the girls. We went home, ate tacos and walked up the hill to the park. The girls sang song the whole way, really loud.

There was another little girl playing there who's name was also, Alexa. It was cute, but I think we confused her a few times. She was only 1 1/2. I talked with her parents on how everyone insists on calling them Alexis and us constantly having to correct them. They said if they happen to have another little girl some day, Lillian would be a great name for her. Then if we just happened to meet up at the park again, wouldn't that be crazy? 2 Lilli's and 2 Alexa's.

The girls wanted their nails painted when we got home. Then baths and then their hair braided. I'm actually getting quite good at French braiding. Alexa has been so kind as to let me practice on her head. I'm getting there. Not perfect but, close. I gave Alexa 2 adorable french braids that she didn't like right away, but then decided she did. I think she saw how proud of myself I was for not creating a huge knot on the top of her head, but actually 2 braids that actually looked like braids and said she liked it, just for me. What a sweetheart!! I gave Lillian a couple braids, too. Her hair is getting so long and those curls, to die for.

I let them finish watching a princess movie with Anne Hathaway on the Disney Channel before going to bed.

It's been a challenge lately putting Lillian to bed. Alexa falls asleep instantly, but Lillian will toss and turn and play around for an hour before she falls asleep. I've been talking with her teachers at school and she is hit or miss on taking naps during the day, too. Hopefully this is just another phase that will soon pass.

The start of extended hours for Adam began last night. So, every Tuesday and Thursday he'll be working until 10:30. He said he had about 6 kids last night and hopes there will be more eventually. They played basketball, video games and ate pizza. Nice.

Alexa came to work with me this morning and the I brought her to the school early to catch the bus for her field trip to St. Paul's Putter-There Golf. They were going to leave at 9 and return at 1. She brought her sack lunch and had her red All Stars tee-shirt on. She was set to go. I hope she had a good time.

Lillian was a little sad when she left but she cuddled with Daddy and all was well. They played babies and barbies together this morning.

Cheers to another day of sunshine before it starts raining again tomorrow.