Monday, October 26, 2009

Yet another busy, fun filled weekend at the Lares'.

This is my new dye job. Thanks Inna. The picture doesn't do it justice. I have dark brown, red and blonde streaks.
Wow. This is me way too early in the morning for pictures to be taken. Please, just look at the hair.

The girls had their Halloween Party at school Friday night. All Stars Montessori sure knows how to throw a party - and the FOOD..Wow! They had Carbone's Pizza, lasagna, salads, ect. Delicious! Lillian's eyes were wide-eyed checking out all the costumes. You could just see the wheels spinning in her head, thinking, you look familiar, I think I know you, but what is that on your face and what are you wearing? Her young toddler teacher, Ms. Amber was dressed up as Thing 1 and her current teacher, Ms. Alli was dressed up as Thing 2 and Alexa's teacher Ms. Caroline was dressed up as their Mother. Hilarious. I have a ton of pictures that I will post very soon. Alexa was an adorable little pink cheerleader. I even let her wear make-up, which was her favorite part of her costume. Lillian was the cutest little Baby Bumble Bee ever. She even donned the most adorable pig tails to match her antennas. The popular costumes (that I noticed) were cheerleaders and snow white for the girls, Spiderman and football players for the boys and doctors and nurses for the adults. All very different and all very cute.

They had a dance party set up in one of the rooms, which we hung out in most of the time, but they played games, too. Bean bag toss, musical numbers, tattoos and decorated Halloween cookies. Overall, a fabulous night. (Besides me having a sinus infection in my left nostril that made my eye swell and paralyze half my face...Ick!)

Needless to say from the comment above, I took Nyquil as soon as we got home and crashed for the night. Luckily, Lillian had a good night sleep, too, and we both stayed in bed til 9am the next morning. It made for a hurried mess, though, as we had to get ready for the girls' pictures at JC Penny by 11:10. The girls needed baths and to be fed and dressed. Even though it seemed a bit hectic at the time, we made it there in plenty of time. The best part was that both girls were in excellent moods and the pictures went very well. Alexa listened to exactly what the photographer said and posed perfectly. Lillian was a little less into the whole thing, getting into one of her shy moods when we actually got into the photo shoot. But, the pictures turned out adorable and we're happy.

We treated the girls to Wendy's for lunch for being so good which turned into an experience, I soon wanted to forget. We usually all order the same thing when we go to fast food places, so Adam orders for us while the kids and I scope the place out for the perfect table, not to close too anyone, not too messy, near the condiment table, ect. Alexa grabbed a highchair for Lillian, that she didn't want to sit in anyway. She's a big girl now, you know. A big girl that still doesn't go potty on the potty chair, but that's a whole other story. So, we sat, waiting for Adam to bring the trays of food. Alexa got each of us a straw and unwrapped them for us, gave us all a napkin and patiently sat and waited. A little boy, just learning to walk, toddled over to our table, wanting to say Hi to someone his own size. His Mom followed, saying to him, "Look at how well those two little girls are sitting", implying that he should be doing the same. I made the comment back, "Oh, not for long, we just got here." Little did I know, I had just jinxed our whole meal.
Adam came with our food and I started doling out the chicken nuggets, french fries, cheeseburgers and ketchup. Lillian gets white milk and Alexa gets chocolate. We were all set up, eating and visiting when Lillian grabbed her milk to take a drink. They need straws of course, but Lillian doesn't quite get the concept, that when using a straw she doesn't have to tip her milk carton. You can probably see where this is going. She put her mouth around the straw and then tipped the carton up and all the milk came pouring out all over the front of her shirt, down the chair and onto the floor. In haste reaction, Alexa went to grab Lillian's milk out of her hands and ended up spilling her chocolate milk all over the table, covering all of her chicken nuggets, fries and half a cheeseburger. We made enough of a mess that napkins just weren't going to be enough, so a manager, a very nice one, too, came out with a bucket of water and a rag to wipe everything down. She was even so kind to bring us more milk and nuggets. After all was cleaned up we were able to enjoy the rest of our lunch, but I did want to say to the gal with the young boy that wouldn't sit still, who had already left before witnessing our catastrophe...It could be worse!

It was such a splendid day, sun shiny and dry. We got home and played outside. Adam cleaned the garage and prepared things for winter, the girls and I raked the little bit of leaves we had in our front yard and played with Chip. We all took a walk with the wagon down the street and bought some pumpkins from a little girl, whose Grandpa grows them on his farm. She is trying to raise money for an American Girl doll. We got 3 big pumpkins for $5.00 and a bunch of little gourds for decoration. I call that a steal! We hauled them home in the wagon and placed them on the front steps. The girls and I will paint them this week.

I threw in a frozen pizza for dinner and the girls and I sat and ate while Adam finished up outside. My plans to take Alexa to Glamour Shots at the Mall of America were quickly cancelled when I found out that each sheet of pictures was $60.00. I just can't say, No and Adam would kill me - literally. So, I came up with another idea, not as glamorous, but turned out to be just as fun. I took her to Target and let her pick out as many dresses and outfits she wanted to try on, brought her to the dressing room and let her doll herself up, pose and I snapped pictures on my camera phone. She had a blast, and so did I. In the end, I surprised her by letting her pick her favorite outfit to bring home. She picked an adorable outfit - that I will post pictures of SOON!
From there we went to the Ugly Mug for some ice-cream and hot apple cider, nice combo, I know. We curled up together on a big leather chair by the fireplace and listened to the band blow our eardrums out. We laughed hysterically and enjoyed being together, just us. She modeled her cute outfit for Daddy when we got home and shared her bubble gum, that I also bought her. She was so happy! Our much needed mother/daughter bonding time was a success and it didn't end there. Lillian was sound asleep when we got home, so we turned the monitor on, so Adam and the neighbors, Mike and Dave could be out in the garage. Alexa and I went over to Inna and Tori's for some more girl fun. We visited about James, ate ice-cream and laughed. Later, Jamie joined us and the Carissa. We had some cocktails and decided to dye my hair at 11 at night. Inna is a professional, who works at a solon in Minnetonka. She does hair and make-up for the MN Vikings cheerleaders as well as others for high fashion magazines. So, I trusted her. We had a blast and my hair turned out fabulous. She'll be cutting it sometime this week, too. YAY! What fun to live by a stylist. It calls for many more fun ladies/girls nights to come. Alexa actually stayed up the whole time. She fell asleep as I carried her home across the street. What a sweetie. 1:30 in the morning is late for a little 5 year old. Late for her Mommy, too.

Lillian was up bright and early Sunday, so I got up with her to let Adam sleep in. Alexa was up about 8:30, surprisingly. I figured she'd sleep in pretty late for sure. She even managed to go through the day without a nap. I napped through the whole Vikings game. But, the girls not having naps called for an early night. Both were in bed and sleeping by 7:08pm. I took Chip for a long walk and then enjoyed the rest of the evening with my wonderful husband (who did the dishes for me).

I have lots of pictures to share from the weekend - please look for an updated slideshow tomorrow, if not later tonight.