Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A visit from Uncle Benski

Uncle Benski met me at the girls' school yesterday at 5 to pick them up. They were out playing on the playground and then they saw us walk out of the school, they both ran to the gate. When we were close enough for the teachers to let them loose, they ran straight to Benski, completely bypassing their Mother. Ugh! Benski, of course, scooped them both up in his arms and carried them thru the school and to the car.

We got home and Alexa went inside and took Chip out of his kennel and brought him out to go to the bathroom. He, too, was excited to see Benski. We played outside for a bit, enjoying the nice weather. We raked leaves in the front yard and ran around with Chip. Once inside, the never ending battle to make a decision on what to make for dinner hit me. When Benski comes over I like to have a nicer kinda meal for him, but grilled cheese sandwiches and ramen noodles with fruit were the only things I could even muster through my head to make. It was that or frozen pizza and I'm pretty sure Benski eats plenty of those.

After dinner I had the girls hop in the tub and put Benski in charge of watching them while I took Chip for a walk. Benski was soaked when I got back, but the girls were clean and smiling. My boss and his wife gave the girls a little Halloween treat, so I bribed them with that to get out of the tub. My goal was to get them to bed in time to watch Dancing with the Stars at 8, but that didn't quite happen. I tuned in some time after 8:30 to see Melissa Joan Hart and Louie Vito get eliminated instead of Michael Irvin, who should have been gone weeks ago.

Adam came home and was starving because he hadn't eaten all day. It was hilarious watching him eat. He had 2 big quesadillas filled with cheese and lunch meat, 3 hot dogs, chips, crackers, 2 beers..he was a bottomless pit. Ick! Uncle Benski and I sipped on some wine, our first 'drink' together since he turned 21. Let's just say, he handled it better than I did. We watched The Insider, the News and then Nightline before deciding to go to bed. Alexa had woken up around 11 or so and thought it was morning and was quite disappointed when she had to go 'back to bed'.
Adam had to go to work early this morning because he had some training thing all day. So, I offered to take the girls to school, so he wouldn't have to 'rush'. I visited with their teachers a bit when I dropped them off and then came into work.

Adam will be home early tonight being he had an early start to his day, so we'll be either carving pumpkins or painting pumpkins. We'll see what kind of moods we're in when we get home.