Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Halloween (almost)

A Little Halloween Fun

It's Halloween come out and play
Ghosts and goblins have your way

Gathering in the full moon light,
As owls hoot and bats take flight.

Witches come with cape and hat,
Eye of newt and cat of black.

Let's boil a brew and cast a spell
So all will stay happy and also well

We'll sit around and cackle a bit,

Sharing our secrets and some wit

Then Fly around on brooms of old
Scare some people if we are bold

Spend some time and reminisce
Of caldrons past as dragons hissed

A night to be that witch we are

Fly the skies both near and far

Flap your wings or howl at the moon
Teeth grow sharp not all too soon

Phantom friend come fly with me
We've tales to tell and sights to see.

This is the night that's ours to run

Just having a little Halloween fun

Happy Halloween!

written with Love and Light,
by Nina P