Monday, October 19, 2009

The only thing siblings like to 'share' is germs...

So, Alexa is practically back to her normal self. Still have a mild cough and runny nose, but has been fever free for 3 days now. BUT, now that we have her healthy enough to go back to school, little Lillian is sick with a cough and fever.

She came into our bed last night around 11:30 and I laid my head next to hers to snuggle her and immediatley jumped up to grab the thermometer. Her little head was on fire. Sure enough, the thermometer read 101.7. I gave her some Motrin right away and took her jammies off to cool her off. It just scares me so much to have their temp that high for very long. The Motrin kicked in and she was able to get a good night sleep, thankfully.

She woke up this morning with rosy red cheeks and a smile on her face, but still a low grade fever. Again, the rule at school is they cannot come in unless they've been fever free for at least 24 hours without the help of any fever reducing medicine. Needless to say, Adam took the day off to care for our littlest baby.
He took Alexa to school and is now at home with Lillian, who is sleeping like a baby.