Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thank You: to Teachers of Life

We all have people that enter our lives as "Teachers" and friends. People that have change our lives profoundly and helped us to grow... sometimes even despite ourselves.....
This is a Thank you to the "Teachers" of the world. One dear dear friend in particular was the catalyst for this heartfelt Thank You.

Thank You!
A teacher of great passion
And wonderful at heart
Your energy's contagious
It made it easy to start
To want to look inside
Go on just take that chance
To want to go explore
And dance that inner dance
Your guidance and direction
Just help to go along
Until the students ready
To sing their inner song
I thank you as a teacher
And as a dear dear friend
I thank you for your patience
Love and Light to you I send
May you be blessed forever
Your loved ones also too
And may your hands be guided
with a Light that's always true.
written with Love and Light and a Thankful heart
by Nina P. 12-06-2007
This Thank you also goes out to all my fellow blog writers.
You are all teachers in your own right. And for that, I Thank You!