Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lo and Behold

Last night (day 53 for my eggs) I was checking in on them every hour and nothing new. Just before bed I thought I would take one more look. I look in...totally expecting to see nothing different...lo and behold look what I found!
Two little heads poking out!!!! Whooo hooo!

My first ever clutch! I even got to see one slit the egg right before my eyes! That was so cool.

This morning 5 pipped! At 3:45 pm the 6th on decided to join the party.

They will stay in the egg for 1-3 days as they metabolize their yolks. The left one on the bottom had her head stuck. She couldn't pull it back in the egg. So I cut the hole bigger for her. That was nerve racking! Trying to cut the egg without hitting her or veins on the inside of the egg. Can't wait to see if they look like mom or dad.
They do have moms cute star head pattern.