Monday, July 20, 2009

Anniversary and a Birthday

Adam and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday. We both agree that it gets better by the year and it doesn't even seem like it's been 5 years already. We remain a great team and I'm thankful every single day that I have him in my life. He is the BEST husband and I love him so much!

Linda and Andrea came up to watch the girls so Adam and I could go out and enjoy some alone time together. We have been wanting to try the Chinese place down the street, but knew the girls probably wouldn't eat much of it, so we decided to take advantage and go there. It was amazing food, and we were able to sit and take our time, rather then stuff it all in, in a rush to get the kids moving again. We had a really nice conversation and enjoyed the dinner. We went shopping for awhile, and then ended up back in Farmington at a place called "The Ugly Mug - Coffee, Grill and Bar". This, I think, will be our new favorite place to go, to hang out and relax, or to bring company when we have them over. They have a small stage with open mic night every Thursday night and then a feature band every Friday and Saturday night. It's a small, quaint little place that serves just about everything - sandwiches, desserts, ice-cream, cider, coffee, lattes, wine, beer, ect. We sat at a little table - Adam ordered an ice-cream shake and I ordered an apple cider (it was the coldest day/night of the summer - just barely 60 degrees) We listened to a man sing and play guitar and played a game of Yatzee. We had such a good time.

Alexa was sleeping when we got back to the house, but Lillian was wide awake. They had lots of fun with Grandma and Ti-Ti. They went to the park and watched a movie.

It was Linda's Birthday on Saturday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA! She was gone garage saling when we woke up. She came back bearing gifts. She got the girls a huge bag full of dress up clothes, everything you can imagine, hats, boas, costumes of snow white, alice in wonder land, a cat, ballerina, bride, ect. They were in 7th heave, let me tell you. Alexa had to try on every costume and look at herself in the mirror. Lillian even got into it and wanted to dress up. The kicker was, though, that she also got Adam and I Fred and Wilma Flinstone costumes and she said for her Birthday we had to try them on for her. I was all for it, laughed it off and thought it was funny, but it took a little bribing on Adam's part. Nevertheless, he put the costume on and looked actually really cute (or sexy, to me *wink) We all laughed and Linda was happy she got her birthday wish. We sang Happy Birthday and ate Birthday cake.

We went to Juan's cousin's daughters graduation open house Saturday afternoon in Inver Grove Heights. They had lots of yummy Mexican food that we all enjoyed. It was another really chilly day, but it was pleasant for their outdoor party. Alexa and Lillian made some little friends, one was Alexa's age, whose name is Lilliana. They ran around the yard and were even sad when we had to leave for home.

We took Linda to The Ugly Mug for some coffee and ice-cream for her Birthday. The band was sweet and wished her a Happy Birthday, too. The girls loved it and danced all over the place.
After the girls went to bed, we played Scattergories on a card table in the basement. Adam, of course, won. Ugh! It was fun, we stayed up late and chit chatted about Michael Jackson and other random things.

Sunday was such a gorgeous day. We had breakfast out on the deck in the sun and filled up the swimming pool. Adam and I played horseshoes while the girls played with Grandma and Ti-Ti. The girls continued to swim after they left, we played outside all day. It was so nice out, finally.
Aric and Crista came later in the afternoon, as they had appointments in St. Paul this morning. We visited for awhile then brought them to Pilot Knob Pizzeria down the street. Alexa rode her bike and we pushed Lil in the stroller. We were all pretty tired, so conversation was quiet. The girls ate well, so I was happy. Lillian fell asleep when we got home before I was able to give her a bath and Alexa stayed and played outside while Adam and I took on Aric and Crista in a couple games of horseshoes.

I had my chiropractor appointment this morning at 9. Things went very good, he said I took the adjustments really well, and wants me to come back Wednesday for a follow up visit. He said I'm going to be a little sore for a day or 2, so to ice my back and shoulders for comfort. He also gave me some stretch exercises to do if I feel my muscles getting tight sitting at my desk.

Adam is helping Ly and Travis move tonight, so it will be a late night for him and then has an early morning tomorrow at work. He has a busy week coming up! The girls and I have to get to the library tonight to return our books before we get a late fee. No field trips for Alexa this week, but we have the concert in the park Wednesday and a play date with Mackenzie on Thursday. Adam is taking Friday off to start painting our bedroom. YAY!

We are so happy and proud to announce that Alexa has slept in her bed 5 nights in a row. She is doing fantastic and just can't bear the thought of not being able to play with her friends for a day, so she has stuck with it and is doing so great. The first 3 nights, she woke up once or twice and asked Adam or I to rub her back, but would quickly fall back to sleep and stayed in her bed the rest of the night. We are so so so proud of her!! WAY TO GO ALEXA!! Perhaps a trip to the zoo this weekend is in order?