Monday, April 26, 2010

Where Oh Where DId My Weekend Go?

Last Thursday Alexa had a play date with her friend Mackenzie from her old school, Parents Choice for Kids. Before she arrived, one of Alexa's other friends showed up at the door asking to play. Just like Mackenzie, Alexa hadn't seen Paige for a long time, all winter actually. So I thought, sure, the more the merrier. Then, just as Mackenzie and her Mom arrived, Mike pulled into the driveway with the second load of our bunk beds. With the kids running all over the place, screaming and jumping because they were so excited to see each other, plus Chip barking and being crazy, seeing all the new faces - it was chaos!! It was a beautiful night, too nice to be inside, but where did the kids want to play? INSIDE!! So, Nicole and I sat inside and visited while the kids all played downstairs.
Adam had a draft party with his kids at one of the parks, so he didn't get home til quite late, which turned out to be an ok thing, as the girls were pretty wound up. I took them on a bike ride just to calm them down a bit before taking them inside for bed. I was too exhausted to give them a bath. I fell asleep on the couch watching HGTV. I heard Adam come in and could tell he was upset about something to do with the Vikings and their pick or their lack of pick or trade or whatever it is they did or didn't do.
I picked up a pizza Friday before coming home for dinner. Adam was out in the garage working on painting the bunk beds. We was in a crabby mood to say the least. I think he underestimated his talent and didn't think the painting was going to go that smooth. He continued to work on it after we ate and the girls and I were saved of his crabbiness by going over to jump on the trampoline with James, Tori, her friend Erika and Inna. Alexa played Sandman with the older girls and Lilli jumped and played on the swings. It was absolutely freezing and starting to rain, so we went back to see how Adam was doing. Things were going better and he was in a much better mood, thank goodness. I took the girls in for a bath and let them watch TV naked for a little while. I had a list of things I wanted to get done over the weekend and cleaning the fridge was one of them, so I started that while the girls were content in front of the TV. Then I heard a "HI DAWN" come from the garage door. I peaked down and there was Jamie from across the street. Her and Dave had just gotten back from their softball games and saw Adam out in the garage. I quickly dressed the kids, put the food back in the fridge and went out to the garage. We all hung out while Adam painted. It was an absolute blast. I love our neighbors. The night was filled with hilarious comments and laughter and a little drama. Let's just say Adam and Jamie scared the pants off a potty mouthed teenager and hopefully taught him a few things..mainly NOT TO MESS WITH THE FAMILIES ON 186TH STREET!!
Jamie and I called it a night early, but Adam and Dave hung out in the man cave until wee hours of the morning, painting and talking about guy stuff.
Adam and I were both so exhausted Saturday morning. Lillian woke up early. She was hungry! She must be going through a growth spurt right now. She is constantly hungry and has been restless through the night. So, I got up and made French toast. We worked on cleaning up the house, and taking Alexa's bed apart. We had sold Lillian's toddler bed on Craig's List Friday night, but needed to take Alexa's down so we could move in the bunk beds. Alexa's bed has been sold and will be picked up this upcoming weekend. Adam ran to the hardware store to pick up a few nuts and bolts that were missing from the bunk bed and the girls and I got dressed and ready for the day. We met Benny and Amanda at McDonald's for lunch in Apple Valley, picked the girls up a movie and back home to move in the beds. Adam and I worked all afternoon on it. Tori saved us by taking Chip and the girls to the park. It was nice to be able to work and get things set up without the girls in the way. We had the beds and the dresser set up in about 3 or 4 different ways before getting it in just the right position for the room to be fully functional. We had the room all set up and clean before they got home so we could surprise them. They were both so surprised and absolutely loved their new beds. They both went straight for the ladder and climbed up on Alexa's top bunk. Lillian learned quickly that she can't jump on the top bunk or she'll hit her head on the ceiling and jumping on her bed isn't so fun either, as she'll hit her head on Alexa's bed. Silly girl! They were both very happy and that's all that mattered to me. All the hard work for Adam to paint it, haul it in and set it up paid off seeing how happy they were. I cuddled with Lillian on her big bottom bunk and she just giggled and wiggled with excitement.

New Beds

Jamie, Dave and the kids stopped over to see it and stayed long enough for Adam to con Dave into wiring cable out to our TV in the garage. Jamie and I watched LA INK and made popcorn and turtle bars. When they left I was able to put the girls to bed in their new bunks. We all cuddled in Lillian's bed and read stories until they were drowsy enough to agree it was time to sleep. Alexa crawled up her ladder and snuggled herself in. I kissed her and rubbed her back and then did the same with Lilli. It took less than 2 minutes and they were both sound asleep. I joined Adam and Dave who were out in the garage watching the Twins and started painting a mirror that I wanted to put in the girls' room.
Alexa had a play date with Maddie Sunday morning and Adam and I took Lil to get groceries. We worked on getting stuff ready for our garage sale and did some more cleaning and organizing and reorganizing. It felt like non stop work work work all weekend. It went by so quickly.
We invited Mike, Inna, Tori and James over for dinner to thank Mike for picking up the bunk beds for us in Stillwater. Adam made delicious enchilada's, rice, beans, guacamole and pico de gayo. We had a great time. The kids played, Alexa and Tori made up a dance, James played with Chip, Lillian read books. It was great.
Adam always gives Inna a hard time about her Russian accent, so when she saw that he misspelled "Shrek" on the kids' DVD, she took the opportunity to give him some crap, which started a spell-a-thon between Tori (12 years old), Inna (a Russian) and Adam (a Mexican). I gave them each a sentence to spell and then counted their mistakes. Inna and Tori both had 4 mistakes and Adam had EIGHT! It was hilarious! Inna said that Adam can no longer give her crap on her accent because he can't spell.
Again, so exhausted when they left. It was such another whirl wind busy weekend that flew by way too fast. Adam and I didn't even have the energy to put the girls to bed. We got them in their jammies and all laid together on the couch. When we discovered that was too uncomfortable, we got up and put the girls in their beds. Lillian wanted me to sing to her, and I agreed to only if she sang with me. It was the most precious thing hearing her sing and watching her fall asleep at the same time. I love my girls.
Even though it seemed to be a hectic weekend without any relaxation time, we accomplished A LOT. The girls have brand new beds, my laundry is completely done, the toy shelves in the basement are cleaned and organized (who knows how long they'll stay that way..but..), we have a huge head start on our garage sale stuff, I finished cleaning the fridge and we have groceries for the week. Whew!
Adam made the comment to me that he was sad he didn't hang out with the girls much this weekend because we were so busy with other things. So, I told him to relax with them and have a great time this morning...and he did. He is by far the best Daddy in the whole world. His little girls absolutely adore him. They have him so wrapped around their little tiny fingers, he has no idea.

Alexa reading to Lillian while she finishes her breakfast.
Lillian slept in until 9am this morning.

Daddy gave the girls tubbies this morning.