Saturday, April 24, 2010

This has been a super busy week for us! I've neglected blogging because Reagan and I have had tons to do..picking out flowers and vegetables for the garden, getting a new patio set, making our first pass through the house to completely declutter it, school, cleaning out the garage..etc., etc., etc.

I've also been spending all of my free time revewing curriculum choices for next year so I can be prepared for the local homeschooling fair and get my order in. I want time to review it to make sure that I'm picking the best program before we start it.

Oh...and I'm finally reading the entire Chronicles of Narnia series. Can you believe I never read it as a child? I absolutely love it and am just in awe of how C.S. Lewis encouraged children to explore God's love in a way that they can easily understand.

I really hope I can find a unit study on the series...I would love to delve deeper into it with Reagan one day!

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Oh, the giveaway--we had ONE entry!! So the winner is Lu of Hyperactive Lu! Email me with your address and I'll send your package out! If I don't hear from you in the next few days I'll get it from Jana and send it to you!! :)