Monday, April 12, 2010

Fun Spring Weekend at HOME!

We had such a great weekend at HOME. We had absolutely nothing going on or planned and it was amazing.

Adam was home Friday afternoon raking and mowing the lawn. It looks SO nice. Adam is very particular about our yard and I have to admit, he's done a very good job. We have the greenest grass on the block. :)
We took the girls to pick up some fire wood for the night and then on a bike ride. What a beautiful evening it was. We set up for a bonfire and the neighbors joined us. Grandma Debbie provided the marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate. The kids made some delicious smores. Maddie spent the night with Alexa. They fell asleep around midnight and woke up at 6:30. Since it was a short night, I made sure both girls took naps Saturday afternoon. I did, too. :) While we were napping, Adam cut down and pulled out one of the 2 bushes out in front of our house that I wanted taken out. They are both right next to another bush and they are starting to grow together, basically killing each other.

I took Maddie, Alexa and Lillian to the park while Adam started the grill. Dave and Cody were out of town so we had Jamie, Grandma Debbie, Maddie and Tyler over for dinner. We set up tables and stuff in the garage. The weather was so nice. It feels so good to be back outside without jackets and everything on. After we ate, Jamie took all the kids to her back yard to play in the sandbox and jump on the trampoline. Adam and I cleaned up and took Chip for a walk and then went to pick up the kids to change them to go over to Mike and Inna's for my hair cut.

Inna gave my sides a trim and cut the back up short. We've decided to let it grow out a bit and then in a few months give it a perm to give me some cute loose curls. I'm really excited. She styled it curly just to give me an idea of what it will look like and I loved it. Adam really liked it, too. We had a great night. Lillian fell asleep on the couch. Alexa hung out with Tori and her friend Chelsey and we all played Twister. It got to be another late night. The girls slept in on Sunday until 10am.

I made them french toast for breakfast and then we sat out on our deck and painted rocks we picked up in Duluth. Lillian painted a flower pot, too. The sun was so warm, we put shorts and tee shirts on the kids. We loaded up the bike trailer with waters and snacks and took off to the park. We played at the one on the top of the hill for awhile and then decided to ride to Alexa's school and check out the playground there. She was very excited and thinks she will have a great time playing there with her new friends she meets in kindergarten. We played and had our picnic and then rode home. We hung out over in Jamie's back yard for the afternoon and then took the girls home for baths, an early supper and then early to bed. Grandma Debbie made us some amazing potato salad and baked beans to go along with our chicken kiev's.

It was such a nice relaxing weekend. :)


HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY BENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Alexa has said some pretty funny things I have to write them down now or I will forget. Here are a couple of my favorites...

"I'm so hot Mom, I feel like a big sweaty banana!" - this was when I picked her up from school and she'd been playing outside and then got into my hot car.

Last night when I gave her and Lillian a bath, I got them both out and wrapped in their towels. I laid them on the floor all wrapped up tight like babies and then when I took Alexa's towel off to put her jammies on she got so cold I could see her goose bumps, she said, "I'm soo cold Mommy, I feel like a potato in the refrigerator."

Last week I made the girls tacos for supper. They were eating them so quickly, I felt like I was running back and forth to the griddle making tortillas non stop. I finally asked Alexa how many she had eaten and she said, "I'm on my thirth and Lillian is on her twoth". I said, "What does that mean?" and she said, "You know Mom, I've had 3 and Lilli has had 2." I said, "Oh, you mean you're on your third and Lillian is on her second?" She said, "No, I mean like oneth, twoth, threeth, fourth.." I just laughed.