Saturday, January 9, 2010


Hmm, I felt it was time for some updates.

First, on the Eating From the Pantry Challenge.

We had a minor set back on not eating fast food. OOPS. We grabbed something from McDonald's to eat in the car one night that we had to run errands. Since then, I can happily say we've abstained! WOOHOO!

I've already cleaned out our freezer and it looks...BARREN! There were a few items that had gotten bogged down in the very bottom and needed to be tossed..but for the most part we've done really well with using our freezer space. We were also able to donate some meat to a local animal/wildlife center that we couldn't use.

The big meat stock up sale happened this past week at the small, local market we purchase from (I refuse to buy meat from anywhere else..this is FRESH meat from LOCAL farmers!). Since we were low on our meat supply, we went ahead and made a huge meat purchase. This works well for us since it will cover the entire year.

We also had a stock up sale on canned goods at our local Kroger, so we stocked up on a few canned goods and peanut butter. These are all things we'll use in the future and were low on. I wanted to purchase them NOW so as to avoid paying premium price later on.

Otherwise, we're doing really well following the pantry challenge. Unforunately we're not saving any money with Reagan's birthday party, our trip to Alabama and Pritsha's illness this month. Oh well, that's what emergency funds are for, right?

As for the Walmart challenge I gave to myself, I've only been back twice. Once was on Black Friday when I needed to pick up a pair of jeans and some pillows--Penney's was packed and there was no way I was standing in line for an hour to check out! I kept to my list and got jeans and pillows and got out! The other time was right before our trip to Indy for Reagan's birthday. It was late, I had just left the office and Walmart was the only place open to get everything I needed. I spent more than I should have....another reason why I STAY OUT OF THERE NOW!

Oh, and I do shop them online. That is one leeway I've allowed myself. They're cheap for toys and I was able to pickup a HUGE KidKraft deal through them. Anyway, that's it for the updates!

As a side note and the most important thing in this entire post: Please keep our baby Pritsha (our first furbaby, she's 11 this year!) in your prayers. She's been pretty sick and her blood results were a little off this time around.