Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Potty Training

Lillian going potty!

Last week was the official start of potty training our Lillian. I'm not going to lie, I was just sort of expecting her to just go, because that's what Alexa did. When Alexa turned a year and a half, she wouldn't poop in her diaper. She just magically potty trained herself and had only a very small handful of accidents. I mean, I wish I could take credit for this early accomplishment, but really, she did it all on her own. So, when Lillian turned 2 and showed absolutely no interest at all in sitting on the potty, Adam and I got a little concerned. We spoke to her teachers at school to get their thoughts on if she was ready or not. They said they would most definitely start training her, but I could sense a little hesitation in their voices. I knew that she wasn't thrilled about going potty at home, but hoped that they could get her excited about it at school. Basically, I wanted them to do the work.

The first week went ok. She tried several times at school and managed to go once. Her problem is timing. She always has her bowel movements at school. It's like clockwork and is what wakes her up from her nap. So, it's been more of a struggle at school, but has been very successful at home. Her diapers have been dry during the day and even sometimes through the night. She still has a long ways to go, but she is getting excited about the whole process now. She loves to have her sister go potty at the same time and read her books while she sits and tries to go. She jumps up and down and wants everyone to come 'look' when she's gone potty and shares her potty treats with her sister.

We know that it isn't going to come as easy as it did for Alexa. We've been told not to compare, as we know each child is different. But, we're very proud of Lillian. She has come a long way in the last 2 weeks.

Soon my baby will be out of diapers - it will be a happy and sad moment.