Friday, January 22, 2010

Busy Week!

If there are any Company Girls dropping by, Welcome!!

And now for today's scatter brained post!

I feel so behind this week. Reagan's third birthday party is this weekend (a month late--there was too much happening at Christmas to have a birthday party in the mix..poor kid, Christmas babies get the short end of the stick!!). We're having a dinosaur theme--which she decided on at literally the last minute, so I've been running around like crazy trying to get dinosaur stuff together. I hope I can do a tutorial next weekend with some cute dinosaur party ideas!

We're also leaving to visit my family on the 30th...a 14 hour drive people...I'm already groaning! I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do about the cats. I need to work on a field trip for the Mom's group for March, which is due by Monday, the house is a disaster and did I mention we are almost out of everything??? LOL! And I STILL haven't gotten the mass email out about the donations for Haiti!

AND I'm about to be late to Reagan's playdate! EEEK! I need a shower and I need to get both of us ready in 30 minutes!

Regardless, I'm very thankful--the other day I was mentioning to a friend how I wished I had a house with no toys in it! But that's not toys, no wonderful little girl to share my life with. I'll take the messy toy room and overcrowded schedule ANY DAY!