Friday, January 29, 2010


Hi Company Girls! Unfortunately I'm blogging from my office so no cute coffee cup image for me this week..HOWEVER, if you want to find out all about the Company Girls, check out THIS great blog!!

And now, for my post!

We're supposed to be leaving for Alabama in the morning (at ahem, 4 am) and an ice storm has taken over the south. NICE. I move to the frozen tundra, and an ICE storm happens on the one week in the south, that I decide to visit home. Ah, life.

On other news fronts (fronts, get it, storm fronts, home fronts....heheh..ok it was a VERY pathetic pun), homeschooling planning is coming along nicely. After prayer and some research I felt a lot clearer in my goals and I have a nice outline of tasks I want to accomplish. I'll be putting my first lesson plan together this week on vacation and school will begin when we return! YAH!!!!!

Not much else to blog about because I'm super busy getting ready--no posts from me for a week because I'll be without a computer AT ALL! (EEEK!) Oh, one thing....every time I walk through a door lately I've had this strange urge to scream "Science kid in the hoooowwwwwwwse!"

Yep. I think I've officially overdosed on PBS.