Monday, April 20, 2009

Speak for yourself

"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt."

~Henry J Kaiser

This is an interesting quote. As an artist I tend to agree with it. An old professor of mine used to say "You will not be standing next to your work explaining what you meant. Your art has to speak for it's self." Well prof. I have found art (any form) speaks different languages to different people. That can be frustrating or fun, and it's unavoidable.

What I do find a bit disturbing is that it is quite difficult to find good quotes by notable woman.

Speaking of which...
Last night I had a great start for a short story script. It was midnight and I was falling into blissful sleep not wanting to get up and write it down. The words came like poetry. I knew it would be gone in the morning...and it was. However, something is brewing inside of me and will eventually see the light of day. Hopefully sooner than later.