Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lillian thinks she is bigger than she is.......

The weather was decent enough yesterday for me to take the girls in the wagon and walk to the park. We got home from school, threw a pizza in the oven, ate, put sweatshirts on and off we went. The girls rode in the wagon so well, no hair pulling, scratching or hitting.

The park was full of kids. I suppose we weren't the only ones to see the 7 day forecast and seeing that this would be the nicest day of the week. We had to take advantage and be outside while we could. Alexa head straight for the swings, as always, and demanded an under-dog. Lillian head straight for the little slide, as always, and knowing she does so well with the stairs and going down the slide herself, I went and gave Alexa a push, reminding her to pump her legs because I had to pay attention to Lillian, too. It's hard being there by myself with Lillian at an age where I need to keep an eye on her at all times and Alexa still learning how to pump on the swings, still needing pushes every so often.

Well, last night proved different when Lillian decided she was ready for the big slides. I didn't want to take my eyes off her and stood right beside her making sure she didn't fall. All the while, Alexa is screaming at me for another push. I kept saying, "Just a minute Alexa, I'm watching your sister". She was quiet for awhile and when I glanced over at her, there was this very kind woman, who was pushing her daughter on the swings as well, taking turns pushing Alexa, too.
I could not thank her enough. She said, "Oh it's no problem, I heard her yelling for you and I saw that you had your hands full with your little one." Oh, if only there could be more kind people like her in this world.

When Alexa finally decided to venture away from the swings and try something else, like the monkey bars and slides, Lillian was right there following her. The little stinker thought she was big enough to keep up with her big sister. There is this web looking thing that you can crawl up to get to the stairs to go down the slide that Alexa was playing on and Lillian just couldn't figure out why I wouldn't let her play on it, too. I kept saying, "Lillian, it's way too high for you, you are too little, you're going to fall and get hurt." But, she wouldn't listen. She insisted on doing it herself and then threw a huge fit when I pulled her away. I tried distracting her with other things, but she just wasn't having it. So, I put a stop to everything and made them get in the wagon to go home.

We got home, gave the girls a tub, got jammies on, folded laundry, put laundry away, all just in time for Dancing with the Stars. Lillian nursed and fell asleep right away and after I put her in her crib for the night, I painted Alexa's fingers and toes in between commercials.
Adam thought I was crabby when he got home, which I'm not going to lie, I was a little. I think I tried to do too much in too little of time and realized how much of a mess my house had gotten over the last week or so.

I get overwhelmed very easy and usually take it out on him.
Sorry babe, I'll be happier tonight.