Tuesday, April 21, 2009

FINALLY some news on the house..

We just heard from our realtor that the seller's bank is sending over another agent to check out the house and give their best BPO (Brokers Price Opinion) this afternoon.

We've known this "step" in the process had to happen, we just didn't know when they would "get around to it", so we are very excited that this important step is taking place today. If everything goes well, their agent's BPO will match, come close to, or will come out even less than the original BPO, in which case the house will be ours. If it is exceptionally higher than the original, that means the bank feels like the house is worth more than what we offered and most likely they will decline our offer.

We hope to have an answer this week!! I'm crossing fingers, arms, legs and toes that this long wait will be worth it.