Monday, November 16, 2009

Where Oh Where did the Weekend Go?

I don't know how, but the weekends seem to go faster and faster as time goes on. Before I know it, I'm back at my desk at work, thinking how in the world did I just get here? Where was I the past 2 days? Did I accomplish the things I wanted to? Did I relax? Did I rest? Did I get my house cleaned? Did I spend enough quality time with my wonderful husband and beautiful children?

Here are my recollections...

Friday night Adam picked the girls up from school, brought them home and cooked supper, so I could do some shopping on my own. I went to Kohl's and discovered that I just suck at shopping. Perhaps I just suck at shopping when I'm on a budget, which is hmmmm...always. Anyways, I managed to purchase a brown sweater, a black long sleeved tee and a brown plaid scarf. Yes, I bought a scarf. Yeah, I thought that was odd, too. But, I love it.

Benny and his girlfriend, Amanda, were at our house when I returned home. Adam was just getting the table set for us to eat, chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beens..the works. Fabulous!

I was informed during the meal that Chip wasn't feeling the best. He had gotten sick that afternoon and wouldn't eat his food. I just don't handle sickness very well, I'm a bit of a panic kinda person. I've learned how to handle my kids, but now Chip? I've never had a dog before. How often do they get sick? Was this normal? All I could think was he was going to die and I was going to have to explain it to the girls. It had me a bit uneasy.

Eventually he ate all his food, but what usually takes him 30 seconds to eat, took him several minutes. Poor Chip. We racked our brains and thought it could be one of 2 things. 1.) Adam had fertilized the lawn and we thought he could have gotten into that and ate some of it. 2.) Lillian has been using her nebulizer and Chip could have chewed on one of her albuterol tubes.
Either way, he didn't feel well and I was nervous.

We spent the next hour or so before bed watching Alexa and Lillian play dress up and dance around the living room. Those two sure don't get their rhythm from their mother. Alexa dances like she is 25 and single in a night club somewhere in L.A and Lillian just runs around the chair, flapping her arms wildly, stopping to do a summersault in the middle of the living room every once in awhile. They both make me smile and giggle.

Saturday Chip was feeling better, so we loaded up the car for an overnight trip to Albert Lea to visit Grandma Linda and Grandpa Juan. Juan promised us fajitas (or as Alexa calls it, cow) and we were excited to introduce Chip to his cousin Mongo. Oh, and Adam's cousin Frank saved us a couple hundred dollars by fixing our car. Thanks Frank! :)

Alexa and Grandma took Chip and Mongo for a walk after lunch while I put Lillian down for a nap. Adam got the car fixed and all was well. Juan made "cow" and we were visited by Adam's cousin Sasha and Uncle Isaac. The night ended early as we all ate waaay too much and fell asleep.

We woke up and head back home early Sunday morning. But, not before raiding Linda's garage for Christmas lights and decorations. Christmas is at our house this year and we couldn't be more excited.

To be continued........