Monday, November 23, 2009

We are so blessed with great family and great friends!

Adam and I have thanked each other for everything we do for one another and our kids for being such great little people. But, our family and friends are just as important to us and we'd like to thank them, too, for being there for us, making such wonderful memories with us and showing us your love by coming to visit us often.

With that said, we had another fun-filled weekend with some wonderful people.

Adam's brother Benny and his girlfriend, Amanda, came to visit us on Friday night and stayed through the weekend. Benny went to the Vikings game on Sunday and then they left for Wisconsin to be with Amanda's family for Thanksgiving.

Adam cooked us a delicious meal of spaghetti and garlic bread Friday night. After enjoying the meal and having a nice visit with Benny and Amanda, Alexa suggested that we take them to The Ugly Mug, for some ice-cream, music and dancing. It was a beautiful night so we decided to walk the couple blocks to The Ugly Mug. Luckily it wasn't very busy, so we were able to find a table to seat us all. We got ice-cream and treats..listened to the band and watched the girls dance around the stage. The lead singer even gave the girls each a maraca for them to play along. Lillian kept running back to ask Benny for a dance. It was so cute.

On our way home, Benny decided to put Lillian up on his shoulders, then Amanda hoisted Alexa up on her shoulders. Adam gave me a piggy back ride, then went into beast mode and lifted me to his shoulders, too. It was pretty comedic watching us walk down the street, I'm sure. Jamie, Dave and the kids were all outside in their garage when we got back. Benny, being the fisherman that he is just had to check out Dave's fish house that sits next to their garage. So, we all ended up over there finding ourselves comfortable in the nice warm heated fish house. They have a table, chairs, a stove and everything in there, even a TV with a DVD player. Beds, cots, you name it, it was like a camper. We all fit in there too, all of us and the kids. The adults ended up staying in there while the kids ran around the garage and played. They were in and out of the house, the fish house and the garage. They all play so well together. They said they were playing cops and robbers. I heard Alexa scream for the boys to get back in jail a few times. At about 11:30 I decided it was time for the kids to get to bed, so I took them home - Amanda came with us. All the guy stayed until the wee hours of the morning. Adam rolled into bed about 2:30, but Benny Dave and Mike didn't decide to quite until about 4. Let's just say that when we saw Jamie hauling about 6 boys in her car to Skateville by herself for her son Tyler's Birthday party the next day- we knew Dave had a rough night. Apparently, he couldn't even get out of bed.

Benny and Amanda left to run errands and do some Christmas shopping and Adam and I got the girls ready for their Birthday party.

We met my cousin Jennah at the MOA around 3 and she helped with the kids at the party, which was at Build-a-Bear. Now, it ended up turning out fine and the kids had fun. But seriously, who has a Birthday party at 4 in the afternoon at Build-a-Bear in the MOA this close to Christmas? It was a nightmare. There were SO many people. Anyways, the girls had fun with Paige at her party and they got to make some really cute teddy bears and eat cake. They were happy and that's all that matters. Alexa named her bear "Cuddles" and Lillian named hers, "Mongo".

Alexa getting her bear stuffed.

Benny and Amanda were home waiting for us with food on the grill. We were starving, so it was nice to come home to a meal that was ready for us. Steak, sausage, potatoes and green beans with cheesecake for dessert...delicious! :)

The girls went to bed shortly after dinner, they had a long day with no naps, so they were willing to lay in their beds. When they were sound asleep we broke out the board games. It was Jennah, Amanda and I against Benny and Adam in Battle of the Sexes. We didn't actually finish the game, but if we did, Benny and Adam would have won, by getting lucky. We had a ton of laughs and had a great time.

Adam and I collaboratively made a breakfast of leftover steak, eggs, potatoes and fruit for everyone in the morning. Benny had to leave for the game, so he didn't get to enjoy it, but we saved him some anyway.
Adam went to Mike's to watch the game and the girls just hung out at the house lazily! Maddie came over to play with the girls, so they were downstairs coloring and dancing and watching movies.

Benski came over after work, just in time to say Hi and Bye to Jennah. Benski wanted to grill again, so we made burgers and brats. It was such a nice we hung out in the garage. The girls colored out there and played. I took them in for baths before the food was done and they were ready for bed right after we ate..they had such a long busy weekend. They were such good girls, too. They play so well and have such good manners. I'm so proud of them.
Adam and Benski stayed up to watch a movie, but I went to bed, because I knew it would be a struggle for me to get up for work.

It is so great to have our wonderful family come visit and friends to hang out with. We love you all. Thanks for a great weekend :)