Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First Crested Gecko - so cute!

I got my first crested gecko (Rhacodactylus ciliatus) last Thursday! They are native to New Caledonia (near Fiji). Each crested gecko can and does change color according to their mood. Color change is usually triggered from from excitement or stress. Gecko people call it "fired up." I know some humans that turn red when "fired up." LOL! ;)

My gecko is lavender when not fired and orange and yellow when fired up. She also has some red spots on her. I'm calling her a "she" but I don't actually know the sex yet. After she settles in I'll get some better quality pics.
I still need a name for her.

Here you can see the crests on her eyes. They don't have eyelids but to have a transparent scale covering the eyeball--for protection from the elements (and sticks in the eye). To clean their eyes they lick them. Eeew!

This was a millisecond before she had decided the camera was a good perch and jumped on it.