Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Alexa's Field Trip...Charlie Brown Christmas and Keeping Up with the Jones'

Alexa had another field trip this morning, which meant she got to come to work with me for a little bit so I could bring her to school early. All the preschoolers took a bus to the Stage's Theatre to see the play 'Twas The Night Before Christmas'.

She sounded a bit stuffy in the nose when she woke up this morning, so I hope she's not coming down with a cold. She was too excited to eat breakfast and declined her snack she was offered at school when I dropped her off. I hope she didn't get too hungry.

Last night the girls and I snuggled up together on the floor with the nice fleece blankets that Uncle Tiny and his girlfriend, Courtney, made them and watched Charlie Brown's Christmas special. I made popcorn, too. Perfect for getting us all even more into the Christmas spirit.

We were interrupted for a short minute or 2 by a ring at the doorbell. It was our neighbor, Tyler. He was delivering a box of chocolate treats and a Christmas card including a picture of him, Cody and Maddie. Thrilled with yet another box of chocolates to dig my hands into, I was upset to say the least. We are literally the VERY LAST household in the neighborhood to deliver our Christmas card and treats to the neighbors. Now, let me tell you why this upsets me. 2 reasons actually. #1.) I had the idea to make banana bread for all our neighbors months ago and attach our family Christmas photo. However, making a dozen banana bread loaves takes time and time is scarce for me right now. #2.) I have this weird thought in my head that all the neighbors will now think that (since we are new on the block) that we are just copying them by delivering a Christmas treat and card.

It all started with Sheila and Doug. In the VERY early part of December, like December 1st (I swear), their daughter Erika rang our bell with homemade chocolate truffles in hand. "Awww how sweet for them to think of us", I thought, making sure I had their name on my list to make banana bread for. A few weeks later, another knock at the door. It was Tori this time with a box of chocolates and a Christmas card from the Doheny's. "How nice!", I thought. "More chocolate". Then, a few days later another knock at the door. It's Courtney and Hannah with a big heaping plate of homemade Christmas goodies from the Harvego's. Smiling and wishing them a Merry Christmas, I shut the door and run up the stairs and handed the plate to Adam. "You've got to be kidding me Adam, we are going to be the LAST ones to give our Christmas treat.
UUUGGGHHHH!!" Adam assured me not to worry. After all, Jamie and Dave still hadn't sent their kids over with a special Christmas delivery. I was determined to beat Jamie to the punch. I was going to bake like MAD over the weekend and get the banana bread's delivered to all the neighbors with our family Christmas picture attached AND a cute scrapbook put-together of the banana bread recipe.

BUT, NOooooooo!! Tyler, Jamie's son, had to come and deliver their treats last night making me the VERY LAST ONE!

I'm SURE they are all going to think that since we're the new kids on the block that this is just what they do in the neighborhood and we are keeping up with the Jones'. But, was MY idea FIRST!