Friday, December 18, 2009

7 Days Til Chrismtas..

I'm having a hard time coming to the reality of Christmas being NEXT WEEK. Not to say that I'm not ready for it, but holy buckets, where in the world has this year gone? It's quickly approaching a YEAR since I've started this blog. I'm so happy and actually quite proud of myself for keeping it up. I hope you've enjoyed it, too.

So many things have happened this year....I'm making my list to review it all in my New Year's post.

Today we are having our annual Teal Corporation Christmas dinner at my office. Hopefully the caterers can pull through and deliver us a delicious meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn, dinner rolls, Caesar salad, apple pie and an assortment of cookies and bars. Our team has dropped considerably this year, so instead of having a huge table full of almost 30 people, we'll have only about 10 this year.

Last night Uncle Benski came over to play with the girls and do his laundry. Lillian cried so hard when she had to go to sleep. I had to peel her fingers off Benski's shoulders. She didn't want to say goodbye or for him to leave. She absolutely adores him. Considering he lived with us the first 6 months of her life and he has come to visit at least a night every week afterwards, he has been like a big brother to her. After the girls were sound asleep, Benski, Adam and I stayed up to watch The Jersey Shore on MTV. Not exactly proud of the fact that this has become one of my favorite shows, but I will admit I laughed so much last night. Hilarious! We ended up staying up til almost 1am talking before Benski left and we went to bed. Alexa woke up as we were shutting lights off and putting Chip in his kennel and she said, "You guys haven't gone to bed yet?"

We have another busy weekend ahead, what's new? Uncle Isaac is coming tonight to visit and stay the weekend. He will be doing his Christmas shopping here in the cities. The girls are super excited to have him come see them. Tomorrow, Adam and I have to finish up on some shopping of our own, so Tori will be coming to babysit for the afternoon. I've been hinting to Adam that I'd like to take the girls to Macy's again this year to see the "A Day in the Life of an Elf" display. His answer is always, "We'll see!". I think he'd like to go, but it's just driving there and finding parking, ect. that is kind of annoying. Plus, if we have to wait in line. He's not a huge fan of that either. But, I can be pretty convincing, tho, and I'm pretty sure that will be one of adventures on Sunday. Alexa remembers it from last year and wants to see it again.

And of course, we'll be busy cleaning and preparing the house for when all our company comes. Sounds like Benny and Amanda are coming Wednesday and Juan, Linda and Andrea will come Thursday. I will be working Christmas Eve, but most likely get off early as nobody else in the world will be working and I'm assuming the day will be very slow.

Christmas Eve mass is at 10:30pm, which I am fine with. I'm hoping the girls can sleep? I will miss sitting by my Grandpa Carroll in church as he always sits and either holds my hand, let's me lean on his shoulder when I'm getting tired, or helps me prop up my arm for when I'm holding my sleeping babies.

This year we will be going to mass in our own church, St. Michael's in Farmington.