Monday, June 22, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Hello, dear blog readers! I have missed you!

Last week was Vacation Bible School, so I had little time or energy to post. We recently lost our wonderful preschool coordinator, so I ended up filling that spot for VBS week. It was super fun! I got to work with some fabulous people and meet about 300 three-, four-, and five-year-olds. :)

The theme for the week was the armor of God, so each day the kids learned about a new piece of armor. The kids had an assembly time each day where they sang songs and watched puppet shows. I got to attend a couple of times during the week, and I sat with Caleb and his class. I am so glad that Caleb is at the age where he doesn't get upset when he sees me and then I have to leave. I had to hide all week from Isaac, covering my face with my notebook each time I passed his room, because he'll wail if he sees me and I don't come get him. Caleb was fine with seeing me come and go all morning. He absolutely loves it at church and feels at home there.

I got a whopping one picture during the entire week. I took this at Friday's preschool assembly. I intended to take several pictures, but my camera batteries died after this one! So I have one goofy pic to remember the week by. :)

We had an amazing turnout at VBS, with somewhere around 1300 kids attending. From what we know, at least 23 kids accepted Christ during the week. Yippee!