Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It started raining again on our way home from work/school yesterday. I feel so bad because it's been raining and cold ever since we moved in so I haven't been able to take the girls to the park nearby or break out their swimming pool. We've had to open our "winter clothes" boxes just to keep warm the last few days. It's June for crying out loud. Brrrrrrrrr..

The girls went straight to the basement when we got home. Alexa is so proud to know how to turn the TV on and put in a DVD for her and Lillian to watch. They put Dora in and snuggled on the couch. I had to call Alexa up to run out to the end of the driveway to grab the mail. I've decided she is going to have "chores" now and one of them is to get the mail every day and the other is to make her bed. It was so cute watching her reach up high on her tip toes to reach the mail and then carry it in an arm full up the driveway. What a good helper.

The ice-cream truck also drove by - I didn't have any cash nor was it warm enough for an ice-cream treat, but we thought it was cool that we have an ice-cream truck in the neighborhood. We'll keep an extra jar of change on the counter this summer for when we hear his whistle.

The girls continued to watch Dora while I made dinner. Adam called and said he was on his way home already. His meeting was cut short and he was able to take off for the night. He stopped at Home Depot and Target to grab a few things we needed on his way. The girls and I had chicken nuggets and tater tots for dinner. Yet another appliance to figure out - the oven. There are so many buttons and knobs and digital readouts, ect. WAY to complex for me. I could not for the life of me figure out the timer. So, I had to use the one on the microwave, which was much easier. For the first time using the oven - the food turned out great, the girls loved it. My only challenge is to get them to want to eat at the table instead of the breakfast bar. Alexa has really taken to that spot - sitting up high on a bar chair. I however, love my new kitchen table and want to eat our meals there. Needless to say - I won. We ate at the kitchen table.

It was so funny the other day when I used the garbage disposal for the first time - all the food and water came gushing up through the other side of the sink. I panicked and called for Adam. He was puzzled for a minute, too, and he almost said "I'll just have maitnance come take a look at it". But, he caught himself, because we no longer live in a townhouse where we are able to snap our fingers when things like this don't work and expect Jeff, our maitnance guy, to come along and fix them. WE are the ones who have to figure it out on our own now. Adam was able to plunge it out and we figured out that I didn't have the drain stopper in there, so that's why I had the little accident. Now we know!

Adam had the leftovers when he got home and I had the girls out of the tub and was brushing their hair and teeth. I promised them that daddy would set up their big doll house if they took a bath - so poor Adam spent the next hour an a half putting together a big pink and white doll house for their room. Little did I know there was gluing and lots of screws involved. The directions said, "Takes 2 or more adults to assemble".
The girls had both fallen asleep before he finished - but it was a nice surprise for them this morning.

Alexa helped me organize my side of the closet last night before she went to bed. What a relief to have that done. I have SO much room in my closet - I don't even know what to do with all the room. I did have to put a couple of my long dresses on Adam's side though - and he joked that I have to pay him a storage fee. HA Ha very funny!

Adam didn't get to his side of the closet til really late and of course needed the light on to see what he was doing - so another late night for me. I'm thinking I won't catch up on sleep til this winter at this rate. Ha!

Another raining and cold day today. I heard the temp was supposed to get up to 70 today - but I'm freezing. Doesn't look like we'll get to go to the park tonight or get to play in the yard either.