Monday, June 22, 2009

Gina K of Stamp TV Blog Oh My!!!

Good Morning,

Doing my usual rounds of email and blog hopping this am. I hit Gina K's blog, I just love her work. She is innovative, creative, fresh, and so much more. She is kind enough to share her knowledge with us via tutorials and videos. Her blog contains an enormous amount of information for scrappers and stampers alike. From stamping resources, places to learn, blogs that inspire, sketches, and so on. You will be treated with sneak peaks of her new products and they are sure to inspire. Anyhoot, back to why this blog post so early in the am. Gina K is having an amazing give away.. All you need to do is go to her blog read the latest post and count the items. Sounds easy right???? Well Check it out you will need your thinking cap for this one. Good Luck I wish everyone could win.

Wishing you abundant blessings,

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than
you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than
you think."

A. A. Milne.