Monday, June 22, 2009

Dance Recital and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!

Adam seemed to have had a wonderful Father's Day. We just hung out at home because that is what he wanted. The girls gave him a "football" for a gift and Lillian made him an American flag decorated can cooler that says #1 Dad on it. He spent the afternoon with Alexa at her school on Friday along with other dad's and special friends for a game of kick ball with the kids. They had so much fun and Alexa was so proud to have her Daddy there. I heard (from Alexa) the kids won 51-hundred to 1.

We did some yard work in the morning and played around outside. Alexa and Lillian had Madison (6) and Cody (3) over from across the street to play. They played sidewalk chalk, jumped on our little mini trampoline, played horseshoes and tee ball. They had a blast and the girls were so happy to have made some more new friends.

We got some rain later in the evening, but didn't seem to last long. It was a good hard rain while it lasted, though and gave the lawn a good "free" drink of water.

Adam and I stayed up and played Scrabble after the girls went to bed.

Saturday was a busy busy day for us all, which is probably why it felt so nice to be home Sunday and relax. Alexa had her dance recital on the big stage. She is part of the "In the Company of Kids" performing arts school and they had their big production at the Bloomington Kennedy High School Auditorium. We met up with her friend, Jayita and her family (Renee, Sandiq and sister Nadia) beforehand at McDonalds for lunch. The girls were so excited for their performance. They had their hair all done up and their black tee-shirts with khaki shorts on. I'm surprised they could sit still long enough to eat, they were so excited. We allowed enough time for them to play in the play place a bit before having to get to the school for their rehearsal at 1.

We met up with their other friends at the school, Jordan, Shannon, Alexis and Devin. Ms. Bonnie, their dance teacher was there waiting for them to get on stage and rehearse their 2 performances. We were able to get front row seats along with the rest of the All Stars Montessori parents. It was nice for us all to be able to sit together.
It was prime time for Lillian's nap, so I was a little worried how things were going to go, but she did fine through the whole show.

I helped Alexa put on her make-up back stage and her tennis shoes. All the kids looked so adorable, and were so anxious and excited all at the same time.

The program listed the All Stars kids at #7 for the first act. So, we sat through a few solos, a couple skits and a few dances before our little All Stars took the stage. They all looked so little up there on that big stage. All the moms oooh'd and aaah'd at our babies and even shed a few tears. They were up there smiling and confident. Their first performance was "Rock 'n Roll Body Parts". The had blow up guitars and sang and danced to the music. They all did SUCH a great job. And we even managed to get it all on video tape..YAY!

During the 10 minute intermission I ran back stage to check on the kids. It was so hot back there, but they had a movie playing and color books for the kids to keep occupied while they waited for their turn. I also packed Alexa's backpack with some snacks and water and enough to share with her friends. They all looked pretty tuckered out, so when their second performance came around, you could tell they all looked quite sleepy on stage. The whole show took nearly 3 hours, which is a long wait for those little ones. Their second performance was something about "Rainbows", so they each had a hanky the color of the rainbow and waved them in an arch the shape of a rainbow. It was so cute, let me tell ya. They sang so good and each of them performed so well. I'm so proud of Alexa. She did a wonderful job. Then all the performers came on stage to sing one last final Goodbye song.

We all met them in the hallway after the show and showered them with flowers. We had surprised Alexa with a big bouquet of colorful daisies. She was sooo excited and happy. We took pictures and gave lots of hugs to our preschoolers who did so good on the big stage.

Lillian fell asleep in the car, but we decided to stop at the International Festival in Burnsville anyways. Alexa played in the water park for a little while, but we were all so exhausted after the show, we decided to leave and eat supper at Chili's in celebration of Alexa's job well done.

It's in the 90's today and sunny. Adam filled up the swimming pool this morning, so the girls will be wanting to jump in as soon as we get home I'm sure. That will cool them off for the night, hopefully. The Bachelorette is on tonight (don't ask my why I've gotten in to that show) and I'm anxious to plop myself in front of the TV for 2 hours under the fan and watch.

Oh- one more important note. This morning when the girls woke up, I noticed Lillian's diaper was dry, so I brought her to the bathroom and sat her on the potty and sure enough, she went. GOOD GIRL LILLIAN!
She is finally getting used to sitting on the little round open circle and doesn't mind sitting there and trying to go. Will she be out of diapers soon? HOPEFULLY! We'll keep trying!