Thursday, June 11, 2009

Random things and my irresponsibility....

This morning as I was getting ready for work, Adam popped his head in the bathroom and said he needed to "do his business" but gave me the courtesy of going DOWNSTAIRS to do it. I smiled at myself in the mirror and gave a little nod - I no longer have to be amid his STINKINESS while getting ready for work every morning because God only knows why he can't just WAIT til I'm done. I LOVE HAVING 2 BATHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alexa slept in her OWN BED again ALL NIGHT last night. And thank goodness she did, too, because she was my little alarm clock this morning. (I'll explain later...) I told Alexa if she sleeps in her own bed for 5 nights in a row, we'll take her to the MN Zoo. She seemed pretty excited about that, so I'm hoping she can do it.

The girls and I were able to take a walk to the park last night by Lake Julia. Alexa rode her scooter and I pulled Lillian in the wagon. We met a nice family while there with a girl (Paige) that is 5 and a boy (Landon) that is 2. I got talking with their mom, Jackie and what do you know they live right behind us and across the street. We can see their front yard from our back yard. We were ecstatic to meet a nice family that lives close by and they were, too. We visited about our short sale, our paint colors, their paint colors, them trying to sell their house and weren't able, our jobs, our kids, or husbands..ect. We even left the park together and walked home together. Alexa and Paige totally hit it off. Paige was riding a bike and Alexa had her scooter and they would trade off every so many feet. They were having a blast and I was loving the fact that we could walk down the street and see people outside working in their gardens or on their lawns. There were houses and fences and people actually slowed down for pedestrians. I really got the sense of what living in the nice neighborhood community is like. I loved it.

I looked into getting Alexa into swimming lessons at the Farmington pool. I'm pretty excited about it and I'm hoping I can stay on top of things and get her enrolled for the last session of the summer which offers a morning class, so Adam will be able to take her and then let Lilli play in the wading pool while he waits for her.

Ok, so...

Last night after we got back from the park and visiting with our new friends, we went home and met Adam in the driveway. He was able to get off work early again. NICE! However, he does have to work both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. We played around the front yard, introduced ourselves to the two neighbor boys (both teenagers) that love to play Madden - go figure - they will be Adam's new BFF's. We've learned that the neighbor across the street and kiddy corner from us have a pot belly pig for a pet. We all agreed that would make us all a pretty nice meal. Ha!

Alexa and Lillian climbed the trees in the front yard and we watered the grass a bit before heading inside to get ready for bed.

Lillian was wiped, so she fell asleep quickly, but Alexa had a little more trouble. Our friends Ly and Travis came over last night at about 9:30 and stayed til 2:30 am. I'm so exhausted, but have been super busy at work today, so that's helping. I think if I sit still more than a few mins, I will fall asleep. Adam had the garage set up all cute, I mean "manly". He has our old coffee table out there with all our lawn chairs set around it and then his big TV, fridge, microwave on a little kitchen cart thing, table, cutting board, beer, limes, watermelon, ect. We had a spread of chips and goodies on the table and I popped popcorn in the microwave. They brought their daughter Tawny, so I went and took Alexa out of her bed (because I knew she wasn't sleeping) to play with her. Tawny is 14 and will be our new babysitter. We hung out in the garage for a while, then shut the garage door when it got cold and then eventually moved into the house. I made choc. chip cookies at midnight. We're crazy, holy buckets. We need to save these parties for the weekends. We had a blast and at the time aren't even paying attention the time, but I'm definitely feeling it today.
Which brings me to why Alexa was such a lifesaver for me this morning waking me up at 7:44am. Yep, my alarm, which is normally set for 6:20 did not go off for some reason this morning. I got up quickly, showered and ran out the door. I had to call in that I was running late, but they totally understood and actually laughed at me at work. Ugh! Ha! I felt so irresponsible. I can not let this house and our entertaining affect my work.

Adam and the girls filled up the swimming pool this morning and I'm hoping the sun will warm it up a little for the girls and Mackenzie to play in tonight. We're having Nicole and Mackenzie over for a play date tonight. It's been awhile since we've seen them, so were excited and anxious for their visit. Adam put a lasagna in the oven this morning, so it will be ready to be reheated tonight for dinner.