Monday, June 15, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Our Neighbors Think We're Annoying..

1.) We haven't even lived there 2 weeks and we've already had a garage party til 2:30 AM on a WEDNESDAY NIGHT!

2.) Unless Adam gets to it on the weekend - he won't be mowing lawn until after 8:30 at night.

3.) We accidentally set our car alarm off at midnight.

4.) Our kids scream!

5.) We do yard work til 11:30 at night.

6.) I yelled at the neighbor kids for swimming in our pool in their underwear.

7.) If the neighbor across the street doesn't come and fix their mailbox soon (it's on the end of our driveway - along with ours) I'm going to complain.

8.) We make jokes about cooking the neighbors pot bellied pig for dinner.

9.) We want to steal the neighbors tractor sprinkler..(and we the middle of the night.)

10.) I still haven't figured out our "lights", so if you're looking at our house at any given time - lights will be flickering on and off.