Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another Busy Weekend...

Summer sure seems to be flying by. It's hard to believe it's already July 4th this weekend.
We had a blast Friday night at Matt and Carrie's for our big play date with Alexa's old friends from New Horizon. They kids were a bit shy at first, but didn't take them long to reacquaint themselves. It was amazing to see how much Connor and Nathaniel had grown and their little brothers, too. They were all happy to meet Lillian for the first time, as she was a far off twinkle last time we were together. It was so nice to visit with all the parents while the kids played. We ate pizza, played at the park and then came back for ice cream cake. We left agreeing to get together again very soon.

Saturday consisted of running errands most of the day. I had gotten Alexa a bike on freecycle that we picked up in Burnsville, then stopped at Rainbow for groceries and then Sam's Club for more groceries. Alexa rode bike while Lillian and I took a nap. We woke up just in time for me to get ready for our dinner date with Vic and Sara. Nicole and Mackenzie came over to babysit, so Adam and I could have a night to ourselves. We took our first trip to "Hastings" and picked up some cheesecake before heading to their house. Vic was busy at the grill and Sara was putting together a beautiful salad. We had such a nice visit with them and the meal was outstanding. Adam and I are now obsessed with popovers and honey butter. :) After dinner we took a walk to downtown Hastings for the car show. I was more concerned with walking off the huge meal we ate than looking at the cars - whew! We met up with some of their friends and their adorable twin girls. They have to be in the top 10 cutest babies I've ever seen. I fell in love with one of them and wanted to take her home, but Adam insisted I give her back.

We stopped back at their house for some cheesecake, before I started missing my babies and wanted to get home. They were soundly sleeping in their beds when we got there - Mackenzie and Alexa were sleeping side by side - so cute!

Lillian woke up around 2 in the morning with a fever. She slept by me the rest of the night and was warm pretty much all night, but slept well. I gave her some Motrin in the morning and that seemed to help for awhile, but her fever was back after the martin wore off. She snuggled with me most of the day, which I didn't mind. Adam was up early and got the lawn mowed and started the grill for Uncle Benski's 21st birthday lunch. Him and his friend Dan came over and Benny and Isaac. We had chicken, pork chops, brats and hot dogs...a feast! :) The guys played kick ball and horseshoes in the back yard and we hung out with the kids in the garage. Alexa has made best friends with the neighbor across the street, Madison - so they played and rode bike and ran around the yard.

We also decided to take part in one of the many "Dew Day" events in Farmington and went to the parade Sunday afternoon. Benski and Dan came with us and we found a great spot on the corner. We brought Maddie along and her and Alexa filled a bag full of candy and managed to score a few freezies, too. We cut out early as the sun was beating down on us raising Lil's temp even more. We kept her out of the heat the rest of the day.

Lillian has become quite the little singer. She sings the wheels on the bus, and does all the actions. She sings the ABC's and counts 2-10. She always skips the 1. Ha! She loves to sing kids bop in the car and even Josh Groban. She is the cutest little thing ever - so cute I could chew on her.

The weather was much cooler yesterday - Adam's parks are closed for the week and so he's able to be with us in the evenings. We are LOVING it!! We took a walk last night (I was in jeans and a sweatshirt) and I watched the Bachelorette in the garage while the kids played and rode bike. Lillian took a digger into a wood panel we have in the garage and is sporting a beautiful black eye. My poor baby! Alexa is as sassy as ever ( I guess that's what we get for letting her hang out with older kids - Madison is 6 ).

Adam and I both had physicals today at the clinic. I had a fun yearly exam, too. Other than the doctor telling me I'm 5-10 lbs under weight, I'm as healthy as can be. My blood pressure was even spot on! Oh - and I need a mole removed off my left cheek. Yikes!
Adam has his nasty foot issue - but he got a prescription for it and hopefully it will be cleared up within the next 3-5 months. I can't wait.