Saturday, May 30, 2009

Well I haven't got round to posting any cards this week, the garden is taking over at the moment, and as it's another beautiful day here, I'll be out there digging and planting again.
But.. I have received two lovely awards and thought I'd make a quick post about them..

The first one is the Inspiration Award from the lovely Vikki, thank you so much Vikki, I really appreciate it. If you haven't visited Vikki yet why not pop along and see her fab blog and while you are there maybe you would want to join in her blog candy.

"The Inspirational Award" you can nominate as many blogs as you would like to receive it, put the award on your blog and leave a comment,.. BUT, this is the twist, you have to tell a fact about yourself that no other bloggers know and put it on your blog,
....well I don't think I've told you this before but I am a hoarder of memories.., I keep everything, to name but a few..I've got theater, film and concert programs with the tickets and some from clubs/disco's..going back years & years,.. beer mats, book matches, & serviettes from all the places we've visited, I keep all close family cards that I receive, so I have boxes and boxes of them. My Mum started me off on this., so I've even got some of my first Birthday cards, and of course I keep all the handmade cards I receive, I also keep drawings, letters and poems from my hubby and family, and I've still got all our old records..45's , LP's and some 75's .. just to name but a few of the memories I keep.....
and as there is no limit to the amount of people you can pass it onto I'll only name a few
Nicola...Nicola's Creations
Debs..Debs Bat Cave
Lisa...Lisa's Stampin Weblog

and I'm also giving it to everyone who reads this and would like to take it, as I think you all deserve it...I would pass it on personally but the sun and garden all calling.

The 2nd award is the Lemonade Stand award. From my lovely blogging buddy Lisa..It’s an award for bloggers that show great attitude and gratitude, Lisa certainly fits the bill perfectly.Thank you so much Lisa, I so appreciate you thinking of me for this ....please go and have a look at Lisa's lovely blog and while you are there why not enter for her gorgeous Candy.

Decisions, I am so bad at making them...but I'm passing this onto
Vikki....Vikki's Albums
Bea.. My Little Piece of Heaven
Liz..Lace Ribbons Buttons & Bows
Shell..Shells cards and things
as I don't think they have received it yet..and who all have beautiful blogs, with great attitude as well as gratitude.

The rules for this award are:make a post about it....cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog, nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel show great attitude and to your nominees within your blog post....comment on their blogs to let them know they received the back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation

Now I've just got to pop along and let you lovely ladies know you've got them.
Have a great weekend, I'll be back with a card soon.