Thursday, May 14, 2009

And the packing begins....

Everything seemed a little more real yesterday, being able to let everything sink in for a good 24 hours. We're still on cloud nine and jumping for joy. But, with all the excitement comes lots of paperwork and planning. Surprisingly, the purchase agreement has been signed off on by the seller's bank and the sellers for approval. That process happened a lot quicker than we anticipated, being the bank is somewhere in Baltimore.

So far, we have the inspection lined up for this coming Monday. We will meet with the inspector between 11 and 11:30 at the house to go over his thoughts. Hopefully there will be nothing too major.

We've gotten an over abundance of people offering to help in all kinds of ways..moving, painting, tearing down wallpaper, packing, cleaning, the use of their vehicles to haul stuff, babysitting, ect. It's been amazing and we'll most likely take you all up on your services. A huge thank you in advance.

I was actually able to start packing last night. Baby steps, though. I don't want to get too crazy with it and scare the girls. I want to go through this process slowly with them so they can fully understand what is going on. This will be a huge adjustment for us, especially the girls. We've already sat down and talked to them, explaining what's going on and what's going to happen, some things they should expect, ect. Alexa understands a lot more than we give her credit for sometimes, but then she'll say something like, "How are we going to pack the stove in a box?" or, "Do we have to pack our bathtub?" Even though it makes me laugh, they are good questions and we take the time to answer them for her. Lillian just goes with the flow for now. She looks at us like we're crazy sometimes and we probably are, but even though she is less vocal, we still take her feelings into consideration. I don't want either of the girls to ever feel neglected during this process and I want things to be as normal as possible. We've included them in everything we've done so far and we continue to do so. Lillian helped me pack up clothes that no longer fit them, marking the boxes "Baby Girl Clothes - Garage Sale - Basement" and Alexa helped me clean through some of the drawers in the kitchen. Like I said, baby steps, but it all has to get done.

Lillian didn't want to fall asleep last night. She plays this new little game with me, which is cute, but frustrates me at the same time, because I ALWAYS give in to her. She'll lay in her crib and I'll rub her back and then she'll point to her arm and want me to rub her arm, then she'll point to the other one and then her leg, then the other one, then her tummy, then her hair and so on. She of course thinks it's funny and it's all a game to her, so she never ends up falling asleep. Adam came in to relieve me for a little while, but he didn't have any luck either. We let her cry a bit and then I went in one last time, rubbed her back for maybe 30 seconds and she was out. Stinker!

Adam was so mentally drained last night after dealing with the insurance company all day over the phone and coordinating the inspection and everything, he just collapsed on the couch when he got home. It's been one extreme to the next, as far as emotions. I think we both were a little overwhelmed. We were able to sleep good though and start all over again today.

We have a play date set up for tonight with Mackenzie and Nicole. They're coming over for lasagna and hopefully a trip to the park if it warms up a little bit. We look forward to seeing them again.