Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We close on our house one week from today. Whoo Hoo!! We had a group hug last night before we went to bed and started jumping up and down saying "one more more week..." I wonder what exactly the girls are thinking. Lillian most likely has no idea what's going on and why she only has a few things to play with among many stacked boxes. Alexa on the other hand is old enough to understand, but I'm not sure she grasps the full picture. We've been to the house several times for "visits" - so does she think that we will be just "visiting" again in one week. Does she realize that we will be living there for many years? She seems to "get it", but who really knows. I guess we'll see once we move in.

It was so cloudy and gray out yesterday. I waited and waited for it to rain all day. I picked up the girls and they, of course, wanted to go to the park. I agreed, but drove there instead just incase it rained. I didn't want to have to walk them half a mile in the rain back home. An hour and a half later we were still at the park and no rain. We ran into a mom and son who live in our townhouse complex that we've seen at the park before and visited and played with them. Mainly (Stephanie) and I complained about how horrible the complex we live in is and all the annoying neighbors. Alexa and her little boy Jordan sure got along great and played hide-and-seek. They even took turns pushing Lilli on the swing.

When we finally left, I noticed a couple missed calls from my aunt Kathy. My cousin Angela is in town and they were wondering if they could stop by for a quick visit. I haven't seen Angela in about 5 years. I was pregnant with Alexa the last time we were together. She lives in Texas with her husband and doesn't get up here very often. So, I was able to introduce her to Adam and both the girls. We had a real nice visit and hope it's not another 5 years before we see her again.
The girls didn't get to bed til a little after 10, so they were pretty lazy and tired this morning. It's pajama day at school today, so I bet they are loving that. I wouldn't doubt they both take really good naps today.

I had a small crisis this morning as I was getting ready for work. My curling iron decided not to work. The on button came on - but it didn't heat. Adam, being the handyman he is, pushed a few buttons and turned a few knobs and told me to go get a new one. Me, not wanting to spend any unnecessary money brought it in to work hoping the guys in the shop could fix it. They spent a good half hour on it only to tell me that the heating element is shot and I'm basically SOL. So, looks like I'll be spending my Birthday money on a new curling iron. Ugh! The necessities us women have to have to look beautiful (or at least presentable) is a crying shame - is it not?