Monday, May 18, 2009

My Target Purchase, May 18

Raisin Bran--$.99 per box
(on sale at $1.99, plus $1 off from, no longer available)

Special K--$1.50 per box
(on sale at $2.50, plus $1 off from, no longer available)

Kix--$1.75 per box
(on sale at $2.50, plus $.75 off from, no longer available)

Huggies Wipes--$1.24 and $1.49 each
(on sale for $1.99, plus coupons from Huggies mailer)

Always 32 & 28 count--$4.99 each PLUS got a $5 gift card back!
(on sale at $8.99 each, plus $4 off coupon from paper, plus special Target promotion when you buy 2)

Kraft salad dressing--$.49 each
($1 off 2 printable, $1 off 1 printable)

Kashi TLC bars--$2.13 each
(on sale for $2.88, plus $1.50 off 2 printable--not sure if it's still available)

Quaker Fiber granola bars--$1.92 each
(on sale for $2.42, plus $1 off 2 printable--not sure if it's still available)

Hershey's Bliss candy bar--FREE
($.99, plus $1 off printable)
(not ate it already...)

And, okay, I bought a bunch of other stuff, too, but these are the best deals I got! For more on Target deals, go to Stretching a Buck's site. To print out a bunch of Target coupons, go to A Full Cup.