Monday, May 11, 2009

Strep Throat, a Broken Nose and Mother's Day

First of all, HAPPY BELATED MOTHERS DAY to all my "Mom" readers. I hope you enjoyed your special day just as much as I did.

Now, on to the Lares updates. Let's start with Wednesday...

My mom came down that evening to pick up the 6 boxes of cookies that needed to be delivered "up north". The boxes turned out not to be as big as I had planned, so the fridge/freezer space wasn't as big of an issue as I had originally thought. It was still nice for her to be able to come down, though, because even so, the 6 boxes took up a whole shelf in my fridge. Plus, I was able to see her pretty close to Mother's Day. We surprised her with a beautiful hanging flower pot. Maybe it wasn't that big of a surprise, as we get her that every year, but at least I think it was unexpected that day.

Alexa and Lillian were thrilled to see Grandma Diane, and were able to stay up "late" to visit and play with her. Adam came home about an hour late, as he had several big meetings that day/night, and then stayed to help clean up. Along with meetings and cleaning came lots of drama, good work drama, that he filled my mom and I in on until close to midnight. Lillian fell asleep and Alexa dozed, too. She woke up complaining of her stomach and "neck" hurting. She tried throwing up a few times, but nothing. We couldn't tell if she was serious, or if she just wanted to "stay up" with us and was using that as her excuse. We all finally decided we should go to bed, and she was able to fall asleep with Adam rubbing her back.

Adam dropped the girls off at school Thursday and not a half an hour later, I get a phone call from Adam saying Ms. Tracy called with Alexa complaining of her throat hurting and not wanting to eat her lunch. She didn't have a temp, so Ms. Tracy suggested we take her in to the clinic to get tested for strep (which is going around the school, along with pink eye) and then if it's negative and she is fine, she could come back to school. So, I left right away and brought her to the CVS Minute Clinic. Nobody was waiting, so we were able to get right in. I was SO proud of Alexa, she answered all the doctors questions and opened her mouth wide for the strep test. She gagged a little, but didn't cry. The test came back negative right away, but they said that could happen if it was in the early stages. She said she'd send it in and call me the next day with the final result. Since the test was negative and Alexa didn't have a fever, Ms. Tracy allowed her back to school. After all, she had already been there so she had infected the place already if in fact she did have it. But, she seemed fine and all was well, didn't hear anything the rest of the day.

We, unfortunately had to cancel our plans to go to Rochester for my Ladies Night to keep Alexa home and rested. I stayed home with her Friday morning. She wasn't able to talk or even want to get out of bed. She ended up sleeping until close to 10 o'clock. She woke up a few times for a sip of water out of a straw and that was it.

Adam had his appointment with the ear, nose and throat doctor for his broken nose Friday morning at 8. Thankfully, everything looked perfect. He didn't need to have it re-set or to have surgery. The doctor was very pleased at how it was healing. Adam head to work for a little while after that, and then came back around noon or so, so I could go to work for the afternoon. I took Lillian to school so Alexa could stay and get her rest. On my way to work, I got the call from Alexa's doctor saying her strep test had come back positive. So, Alexa and Adam went and got her medicine at Target Pharmacy and then picked up a few groceries. She ended up taking a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, too. She sure slept off her illness. She was so much better once Lillian and I got back home.

We also waited all day Friday to hear news on our house. We were told that this could be the day, but not promised. Well, we waited and waited and waited and waited some more, to be disappointed to not hear any news at all. I don't know how anymore, but we continue to stay optimistic. Our fingers are permanently crossed.

Adam picked up a movie for us to watch Friday night. It was raining and Alexa was sick, so it was nice to just curl up under a blanket and relax. We watched Hotel for Dogs. Such a cute movie, definitely recommend it.

Alexa slept good Friday night and woke up a happy camper Saturday morning. After a bit of debating Adam and I decided we could go to Albert Lea to celebrate Isaac's Birthday/House Warming Party. We arrived at Linda's in time for lunch and Alexa took a nap while Lillian ran around outside with Daddy and Grandma. We kept Alexa quiet, coloring and watching cartoons when she woke up. Then, Lillian fell asleep. When she woke up from her nap, we took off for Isaac's. He lives in a cute little red farm house with his brother. All the food was grilled and ready when we got there. Just in time to eat!! :) The girls were excited to see, Cora, Isaac's niece, who is only a few days younger than Lillian. Lillian hugged her right away and Alexa played mother hen to both. After we devoured some food, got the tour of Isaac's house and mingled a bit, we set off to explore his yard and pick beautiful flowers. Alexa picked a huge handful. I got a couple leaves and a stick from Lillian, too. We took off back to Linda's shortly after it started to rain. We put the girls jammies on, they colored a bit and then Alexa was asking to go to bed. She was super exhausted and fell asleep right away. Lillian stayed up a while longer, but she soon fell asleep, too. Linda and I tried to stay up and watch a movie, but we were both dozing off, too and decided to stop fighting it and went to bed ourselves. The guys came home at about 11:30, much earlier than I expected, but they were tired, too. Having all four of us crammed together on a small futon, didn't make for the most comfortable night, but we managed.

I woke up Sunday morning smothered in Mothers Day kisses from my 3 favorite people in the whole wide world. Alexa was so excited to give me my presents that she had been hiding under my bed for weeks. Her and Lillian had both made me the most wonderful flowers at school and also picked out some beautiful nail polish and lip gloss at the store. Since Alexa can't keep a secret to save her life, I'd been given hints from her already. I acted surprised nonetheless.
We all went to church with Linda and Benny. Lillian was more than a handful. She's a stubborn little thing, so I ended up taking her out, missing Alexa carry up the gifts. She also went to Sunday school and came back with a picture that said "Mom and Alexa" on it. Made my day!
Lillian and I took a nap when we got home and Alexa was able to ride her bike a little and help Grandpa Juan grill some fajita's. She called it "cow". Mommy, I'm eating "cow". Pretty funny.
We went for a short walk after lunch and then took off for home. Alexa fell asleep and was still pretty sleepy when we got home. Her and Lillian watched Hotel for Dogs again while I was able to run out and shop for some new summer shirts for work.

We fed and bathed the girls when I got back and Lillian went to bed. Alexa stayed up with us and watched Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters and ate strawberry shakes compliments of Adam. The best I've ever had. Yummy.

Overall, it was a nice weekend and a really great mothers day. I have the best little girls in the whole world, which makes being a mom the best feeling and accomplishment ever. I love them so much!!