Friday, March 27, 2009


Thought for Today: Smile

Of all the things you wear, your smile is the most important. (from )

My Smile goes out to each of you today....

How Simple yet important; smile! Have you ever walked into a room of frowns or stern faces? Did it immediately affect you and your mood? Even if the room is quiet and serious, have you ever caught that one person that smile's at you? A genuine, hello, how are you, don’t worry its OK smile. Didn't you immediately feel calmer? Wasn't your spirit just a little lighter?

There are many smiles. That smile of support, of friendship, of letting you know you’re not alone, of love, of pure silliness and laughter, a smile of TGIF, etc…. A smile can illuminate the soul. It can brighten someone else’s day more than you may know. A smile is like a rainbow, it brightens the day, lifts the spirit, and brings a sence of Joy, Peace and Hope.

A Smile can also brighten your own day. If you’re a little down, smile anyway and it won’t take you long to see people smiling back. Your mood will lighten as you see your smile returned.

So SMILE Today. Spread a warm blanket over someone’s soul. Illuminate the darkness; Spread that feeling of support, joy, acknowledgement of another….. Just SMILE it costs nothing but does SO Much!! Smile its contagious!

May the Light of a Smile brighten your soul today; May the warmth of a smile warm your heart today; And May the Spirit of a smile lift you today to heights you never knew were possible.

Love, Light and a Smile to you today and always,
Nina P. (3/27/09)
Written in honor of my nephew Richard. Who's Smile would light up a room, and who's Giggle was contagious. Thank You Richard for the love and joy you brought us all. We still feel the Joy, Warmth and Hope of your smile in every rainbow....