Friday, March 13, 2009

Replacing the spork

I found this at the salad bar yesterday.

It's a biocompostable fork made from corn starch. They have been around for at least 6 years but this is the first I've seen it being used here in the mid-west. Even with the controversy over "Do we have enough corn?" that's a step in the right direction. It doesn't use petroleum and it composts. How cool is that!

It has a very different feel from petroleum based plastic. Somehow a "nicer" feel under the hand and MUCH stronger than those old flimsy plastic forks they used to have.

The following is from the wrapper.

"Believe it or not this utensil is made from non-GMO corn starch and is suitable for foods up to 200 degrees F. Unlike petroleum based plastics, this utensil is made from annually renewable resources and will compost within 12 months in a commercial composting system. Home composting may take up to 36 months."

OK. It's not good for soup. So maybe it won't replace the spork. Still if it's good up 200 degrees it can be used for almost anything else.

I think I'll throw this in the compost and see if it lives up to the claim. Check back in 36 months for a full report. LOL!