Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Uber Amazing Blog Award!

Another honor! Thank you Fairy Jane at http://seefairies.blogspot.com for bestowing the Uber Amazing Blog award on me. I'm so happy that people actually read my blog and it's not just going into a cyber blackhole! :)

"How is the award determined? The rules are as follows:
The award is presented to blogs that- 1. Inspire you 2. Make you smile and laugh 3. Or maybe give amazing information 4. Are a great read 5. Have an amazing design 6. Or any other reasons you can think of that make them uber amazing!

If you receive this award: 1. Please put the logo on your blog or post. 2. Nominate at least 5 blogs that you feel are Uber Amazing! 3. Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog. 4. Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from."

I'm sending it on to these lovely folks:
http://twentypoundtabby.blogspot.com (love the colors and patterns (and kitties) she does and has)
http://mea-culpa-aromatherapycreations.blogspot.com (everything always looks so yummy)
http://delightfuldivasinbusiness.blogspot.com (for their work inspiring independent business women)
http://michelleperkett.blogspot.com/ (just love her fairies)
http://pinchmetoseeifyouaredreaming.blogspot.com (her journal pages are so awesome...and she likes Pippi Longstockings)