For over a month before Christmas, I would hear my girls scream for me to come look at this commercial that played on the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon in between their favorite shows.
To them, these were the coolest toys around and they just HAD to have them. I even thought the commercial was pretty cute. So, when I had the oppertunity to review these new Blip Toys called Squinkies, I couldn't resist.

Alexa and Lillian each received a 16 pack of Squinkies like the one shown above. They are little bubbles with cute little animal or people figures inside. Anything from a turtle to a pig and a little baby to a girl or boy. My girls think the coolest part is that they are squishy and have fun pinching them in between their fingers.
Right when they opened them out of the package, they set them all up on the floor and went about trading each other, creating their perfect grouping of little squinkies.
Each Squinkie has a little hole in the bottom to stick on to the many accessories that Blip offers; charm bracelets, rings, play sets and more. Alexa has even tried sticking them on top of her pencils.
Lillian loves to stand them all up in rows.
Lillian loves to stand them all up in rows.
Aren't they cute?
Since the Squinkies are so tiny, I would not recommend them for children under 3. Lillian is able to understand that they are not to be put in her mouth, but not long ago EVERYTHING went in her mouth and I would imagine with them being so squishy that she would have loved to chew on them.
Overall, I think the Squinkies are a great product. My girls love to play with them and they provide lots of fun entertainment. I like the fact that I can slip a few in my purse to pull out on outings when I need a quick distraction for the kiddos. They are small enough not to take up too much space in my purse and they are easy for the kids to play with waiting for food at a restaraunt, waiting in line at the grocery store or a ride in the car.
Where to Buy: Target, Walmart, Shop-Ko, Toys R Us, Meijer and
Visit Squinkies online and view the fun activities for children can play with their squinkies - and coming soon, fun squinkies for boys!
{Disclaimer: I was given the above mentioned product for this review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.}