Friday, January 21, 2011

2011 Goals for My Blog - Bloggiesta Mini-challenge

Part of the Bloggiesta experience is to take a look at your blog and see how you'd like to improve it!  One of the mini-challenges is Setting Goals.

Here are a few things I'd like to work on this coming year!

1. To make coming to my blog a pleasant experience.

2. To keep the blog fresh and interesting.

3. To write reviews of books that I feel my readers will find interesting

4. Be more faith about returning comments and showing appreciate to my followers!

Side goals:  (more immediate "get done now" goals)

1. Figure out the RSS thing!
2. Work on a book-rating system
3. Network more

I know there are more I can add, but these are good to start with!

Thank you to Amy of My Friend Amy ( for hosting this mini-challenge!