Every year,
the elementry school Alexa attends holds a Sock Hop for the kids and their families.
This weekend was Alexa's first Hop!!
If you remember awhile back, I was looking for poodle skirts. Well, I ended up twisting my Mom's arm into making them for the girls. (I'll admit, I didn't have to twist too hard. She'd do anything for her grandbabies). They turned out so well that she made one for our neighbor girl, Alexa's great friend, Hannah, too.
As you can imagine, Alexa was SO excited. Anything involving dressing up, dancing and music is right up her alley! I think you can all agree that she looks pretty darn cute, or maybe it's just her biased Mama talking ;)

I had the girls pose for a few pictures a few weeks before the sock hop because I knew that they would be too excited the night of, that they wouldn't want to slow down for pictures. I'm glad I did because I was so right.

We got a professional photo taken of the girls at the Sock Hop. Alexa will be getting it at school in a few weeks. I can't wait to see how it turns out. (hint: they were sitting on a motorcycle......cute!!)
We ate pizza at the 'diner' before hitting the dance floor. They had the gym all set up in 50's decor and had a band playing 50's music. It was great and the kids L.O.V.E.D. it.
Lillian is leading the train!

Lillian, Hannah, Alexa, Hannah, Isabella and another friend.

This photo got a bit blurry which I am pretty bummed about, but I wanted to share it anyways.
Alexa with 2 of her Hannah friends. :)

Dancing away at the Sock Hop! The gym was packed!!

Alexa and 2 of her classmates, Olivia and Hannah.

...and my most favorite picture of all...SISTERS!!!!

As you can see, they didn't stand still too long for any really great pictures...but this picture below showcases how much fun they had. Whooo!!

Doin' the TWIST!!!

Hannah and Alexa!

My Mom did a fantastic job on the poodle skirts - THANKS MOM!
We are anxious for many many more Sock Hops to come.